We all have goals or heights we are in pursuit of, or we should may I say. Whether these are Conservative or extremely Liberal, we all should have them. If you find yourself with a pretty empty slate then I hope you keep reading and this empowers you to roll up the 'ole shirt sleeve and embark on an uncharted course that you were destined to venture on. I sometimes wake up at night with the ramblings of things I want to do, or feel I should, or maybe it's too late and I should just go back to sleep. Nah, not me, really ever with regards to pursing my passions. Anything else, I am extremely predictable and like Norm on Cheers. But with my Dreams , I always want to go and conquer, especially that which others thought where or how I wouldn't trod. I am a rebel in heart. I walk to the beat of my own drum and delight to discover new sights and findings. How about you? Do you love your comfort zone or always stretching the limits of your boundaries to new levels?! While walking this morning, one of the neighbor's dogs of three decided it was the day to go exploring as I am passing by! He yelped as he was struck with the shocking dog collar; I was about in tears, but like seconds later he was loving his new found freedom! The other two dogs looked on as if disgusted with themselves and perhaps jealous of the one who didn't let the boundaries stop him. Is that you? It is sometimes me I must admit. Donald Trump tweeted "BE FOCUSED. KNOW EXACTLY WHAT YOU WANT AND GO FOR IT." #Trumpadvice I absolutely LOVE it!! Here is another, They wrote, "You only live once....but if you live right. ONCE IS ENOUGH!!!" It then went "Sometimes life is about risking everything for a dream no one can see but you." Henry Ford was quoted as saying, "You can't build a reputation on what you're going to do." I finish with all these quips with this final one. I was in Chick-fil-a today and I stopped to read a quote with a picture of the founder. I even took a picture of it because it moved me. Under his picture it was written with the following; Pioneer. Inventor. Entrepreneur. Mentor. Leader. Author. Husband. Father. Grandfather. Great-Grandfather. Then at the bottom, this is what moved me and struck me all in caps it read; A GOOD NAME IS RATHER TO BE CHOSEN THAN GREAT RICHES AND LOVING FAVOR THAN SILVER AND GOLD. Proverbs 22:1
Here is yours truly at the Fair just this past weekend in all my glory, in my what looked like a feeble attempt to climb this ladder. My daughter went further than I just moments before, you can see her looking on as I do an extremely poor job. However, I got shocked out of my boundaries to some, because this has always been my favorite thing to do at the fair! Especially now if only to show my daughter that you never stop trying. Have fun even when you don't make it, but don't be afraid to try. I asked my daughter was she upset I didn't make it to the top and she was like No way Mom, I was so proud you were my Mom because most would not have even tried! Where we find comfort today and anything beyond seems uncomfortable perhaps, however, once you flip off the ladder a time or two you find it seems to somehow suite you.
As I am getting older, I am becoming more fearless. I have a pretty good handle on what I can and cannot truly accomplish however, I will not stop trying. I think we have to determine this within ourselves and pep talk ourselves into pursuing to try to defy what our known destiny will be. This reminds me of the Show Wicked. My daughter and I absolutely love it we have the soundtrack and relive parts, it's meaning so poignant to even her at her age. She gets it...she's defying gravity already in life - we all need to do such! The Sound of Music as well decreed of Climbing Every Mountain, Search high and low, Follow every byway, Every path you know. Climb every Mountain, Ford every stream, Follow every rainbow, 'Til you find your dream. Notice the most important yet ironic point here, the last line clearly says "til you find your dream." Dreams come in all sizes and shapes especially in my life. Today is case in point something extremely trivial to many but so insatiable important to me happened. I climbed my mountain, I followed the rainbow and I am here to tell you I found my dream. Yes sir and Yes Mam I adamantly, assuredly did with my chest bowed out as far as I can stretch with head held as high as I can muster. Not only was that itself not enough, I got more. However, I had to get out of my comfort zone to climb that mountain, I had to step out of another area of comfort to follow that rainbow. See, I didn't merely sign for that dream package when it arrived, I had to go get it. It was clearly mine for the taking and I am so thrilled I did. The word was fortuitous. I am still giggling because it was used by several of the people there to describe me being there and the timing of its evolvement. It was so stunningly apparent to us all, that it was so meant to be as if I had received the most elegant, formal invitation with my place card at my seat at the table, already set just waiting on ME! Now if that doesn't have my mouth wide open catching limitless amounts of flies, I don't know what does. I was shocked!
We all know how life is, you guessed it; unpredictable. I for one am simply appreciative that it is. Sometimes we don't strike out, we get to walk and bases were loaded and you won that game all because you went for it. The funny story about the ladder is I dated for many a year being so old when I finally married. Point is, there was a fella that couldn't have been any nicer but he was not being himself, you know trying to be impressive, or have a great date, etc. Well I just couldn't last another moment like it was so, I challenged him to race me up the ladder because I knew I would finally see the real person. Who cares if the wrong thing was done because we were both about to make complete fools of ourselves - but it was a blast in the process. So disrobe of all the things you hide behind to protect you from ultimately getting that dream and just go for it and have fun even if you don't win that prize. Maybe in turn we will learn the Wonderment of Life was in the process of the Dream and not the actual Dream itself. Mercy, ponder on that a while my goodness and while you do, get up from your comfort zone and Declare, "I am Coming Out" it is a Wonderment of Life you do not want to miss, I guarantee..