Monday, June 1, 2015


I sit slumped down as if I have melted into my Porch Swing sipping on sleepy time tea allowing the herbs to help usher Mr. Sandman to my door, as everyone else in the neighborhood appears to be asleep. I am entranced, watching my new purchase of lights as these lights drip down in my tree in front of me, my mind begins to Dream.  I bought these lights from a spot that Inspires me, an Oasis for when I need that spurring deep within, for me to come back and impart in my own surroundings.  This place is located in Fairhope, AL and I encourage all to stop in, expect to be inspired at Green Gates.They know when I come in I shall get a cup of coffee and draw from all around me lingering over to the spots I find delight in and drinking it all in waiting for something to connect in my inner making.  Touching and smelling, envisioning this, yet adapting it  to the coveted spot I desire to impart it's charm. Now, I am basking in not only the spell bounding lightshow before me, I find my Inspiration has come to Life. Now, I allow my thoughts to stretch and take flight without my effort. Delighted to see where these thoughts may take me, I feel the excitement billow within me like a tickle in my stomach. Perhaps these thoughts will remind me of things I have forgotten or missed. Conversations, Moments, Places in time, but oh how I enjoy to see where my Heart takes  me. Its as if I too have the Peter Pan ability to fly, which we all possess we just have to allow ourselves to connect to Our Wonderments of Our Own Lives. Sometimes I am not going to the yonder years but trying to identify myself in the days or times to come. Not literally, but in my Soul, above all else I want my Soul to be Satisfied. 
In the day in which we live, what an impossible feat for most. Pompous and Arrogant if you whisper your Satisfaction, yet unappreciative and greedy if you are not.  

Truth is, isn't this the basis of most Childhood Tales and Movies?  I am rapidly approaching fifty and I am not through Dreaming nor should you at any age you find yourself now reading this. I have said having a daughter has allowed me to relive my second childhood as I go through Life with her and rediscovering all The Wonderments Of Life I had forgotten. Perhaps Life itself has taken my attention away from stepping out on that Living on a Prayer notion your heart stirs of. We hear this time and time again, Life doesn't stop until we take that last breath. I saw in a movie recently about the analogy of the Grave itself and how there are two dates you will see listed. Our lives, it said, are consisted between the dash of the two dates and to make that time matter. See, I knew back In December I wanted those certain lights I had seen in Green Gates, but it wasn't until May that I had them. Whether because I was saving the money, not sure where to put them, regardless the reason I am so thrilled that I waited now, because the timing could never be more perfect! I never sat on my front porch  until recently, upon finally giving in (and I am so glad I did!) to purchasing my porch bed/swing. Now we live out front and these lights couldn't make my view any more wonderful! So this is with Life. Strive for the  Dreams just be careful not to detour too early in hopes of arriving sooner, that you get lost from the Dream itself. Stay true to your inner compass and convictions and know that in the due time needed it will prevail. Noting that as you travel, you may be far from that Dream itself, or think you are; however you are making your story and fulfilling your Destiny within your Dash. What could be more Satisfying than this?! 

I leave with you the one and only Bon Jovi, you cannot be in a bar, at a Mardi Gras Ball, or shoot even in your car and this not Excite you, Motivate you and Fire you up. When hearing this song with others, strangers even; it is like the Hope of All Mankind is Sparked and United.  It is as if we are linked arm and arm  as woven and knitted together for the betterment of us all. Everyone is dancing and jumping with hands in the air and at the top of our lungs we proclaim -  We are only Half way there, living on a prayer! This is the Wonderment of Life...