Saturday, June 30, 2018


Sitting on my front porch swing, sipping bottomless Arnold Palmers and thumbing through recipes. Not just any recipes but recipes of my Mom's, my two Grandmothers and various people growing up. As I see the name on top of each card; rubbing my fingers over the writing as if I am touching my Grandmother's who have past away. Reading over my Mother's brings tears to my eyes as thoughts and emotion floods my being. As I gaze at them I am remembering the way she used to be before she became ill. Most of all I radiate that unmistakeable way she always made me feel. I am startled back to reality as the expected daily Thunderstorm quakes me to my bones. I spent the morning at our Market Downtown. It is like Christmas time to me. Except it is grueling hot. There is a band playing music, I was not particularly fond of their selection today, but all the while it was entertaining as it set the magestic market tone. I sipped on cold brew coffee which was a breath of cool air as it was served to me over ice and I hadn't yet had my cup of coffee. Now here I am in my own City, it is Home and familiar; yet, it was magical. Everyone was lovely. I had some fascinating conversations as we would walk or wait in line to make our purchases. I found myself envious as in speaking with several who live right there and how they walked with their morning coffee with their spouse or beloved and others spoke of riding on their bikes because they did not live far. I smiled as I imagined how picturesque that couple must have looked as they peddled home with her beautiful fresh cut bouquet of flowers and gushed about getting into the kitchen with their new purchase to fix for lunch. 

I liken this to Christmas because everyone was smiling and there was that something in the air that made this morning just a little more special. I jot down on blank cards suggestions and recipes that were shared with me before they flew out of my mind completely. I went to one tent where I asked if this was Silver Queen Corn, I was delighted when she said yes. Later I found myself at another produce area and I commented on how much I loved silver queen corn and this voice from very high up and very deep bellowed out "silver king." I giggled as his voice and presence surprised me and thought how chauvinistic that was of him to call it king instead of queen. I told myself okay I will bite as I looked up towards the Heavens and tilted my head with the puzzled look on my face as I said questioningly "silver king?" Both the lady working and my very tall deep spoken man both chuckled in a harmonious unison. Just as if a dam had burst, they just could not contain their enthusiaism as they educated me on the difference and hybrid variables. It was if it were Christmas Eve and they were gushing about this wonderful gift they just purchased or received; as if I too needed it for that special person on my list. Or most importantly, myself! I attested I too would love to purchase this silver king corn and I would have a test tasting at my table to see if our palates would be able to discern a noticable difference. We all laughed and shared favorite ways to prepare it and my nameless new friend with that lovely southern draw that reminded me of a Grandfather hugged me as he left. 

I love when I travel to indulge in losing myself with their culture, their normalcy. Therefore, it becomes something so much more meaningful than just a place I walked through. My girlfriend just traveled to Venice and purchased these fabulous egg cups that I have from my travels there. They are all different as if pieces of art to showcase your transformed black tie egg. I am confident it was not just because of the works of art themselves but the words that swirled off my tongue from the depths of my core of my experience with that city when I got "lost" wandering around in and out. Drinking in all that was eager to pierce my very soul as I sipped on espresso. I shared with her my experience with the Shopkeeper and our visit and how he and his partner emailed me for quite some time of pieces that they thought that I would find interesting. The Wonderment of Life is that at every given moment, there are treasures awaiting your uncovering. I smile thinking of my morning, my new found treasures; liken to, as the older woman I walked in to Market with was so excited to be there and babbling of what all she was hoping to gather. Then when I was walking back from my car to go back in to gleen and be inspired, another elderly woman was pushing her overflowing cart of goodies smiling with such intensity it is as if magically turned the corners of my mouth to either side of my face as I told her she had found some goodies. She stopped and took my hand and said with unmistaken enthusiasm, full of joy as she was beside herself with so much pride of all she was taking Home to prepare and share with her Family. Her eyes glimmered and  danced as she spoke, as if she was a lighthouse on a dark, foggy night bringing you Home.  I wholeheartedly meant it when I said I only wished I was going Home with her too.

I was at the Orthopedic Doctor with my Daughter while sitting in one of the waiting rooms, an older man sat next to my Daughter. We struck up conversation, when we asked him why was he in there he said he had climbed telephone poles for his whole life. Bad knees now. We chatted about his life and Family for a while. When I asked him about his Bride he said she had past away, two years ago on his Birthday. His words pierced my very soul and tears flooded my eyes. I recently attended a beautiful special wedding out of town. At the reception an older gentleman came across my path. He was hunched over walking with a cane. I spoke to him and he asked about where to place his gift. I quickly took it from him and assured him I would put it with the others and as I was going for the handle to open up the door, I coyly asked him if he was ready for what was in store! It was a very entertaining band he was bound to enjoy. Later on, I go back to our table and who in this world would you imagine was seated there all alone? My new friend. I leaned down and asked if I could get him something more to eat because his plate was almost empty. His arm wrapped around the back of my head as he drew me close to speak into my ear of what he wanted. I then went and got him some cake as I squatted down next to him I asked him who he was there for. He was friends with the Bride's family. So off I was moving to the tunes of the showstopping band and found the Father of the Bride I showed him this picture and asked if he knew him. 

He was amazed and pointed to the Grandmother of the Bride and I dashed over to show her the picture. She excitedly told her girlfriend to come at once and took her hand and we chatted as we made our way across the room and brought them together. We took another picture of them and then he asked for one with these girls and me. I was standing behind him with my girlfriend and we both were moved without words to convey as we watched him pull up our picture on his cell phone. He told us he was to turn 93 on that following Monday. Rest assured I thought of him throughout that day as if he was someone I had known forever and yet I had only just met. I shared Home with him even out of state for it is in my Heart and Soul and Printed on my Bones. Later one of my girlfriends husband helped him to his car and learned he had just had back surgery thus the cane.  So, as you go forward with your weekend and next week, for you in the United States reading this will be celebrating Independance Day. May we bind our Heart upon our sleeve and bear our freedom boldly as we declare Home is where the Heart is. It is with us everywhere we go. This singer blows me away, they are donating all profits from the song to Charities all around New York  that has changed his life. As this singer was quoted, "Being able to carry my home, my city, my roots with me everywhere I go is so important in Life." May we all dust off our Welcome Mat and leave the Front Porch light on. This is the Wonderment of Life. xo

Thursday, June 7, 2018


I follow a fella on Social Media (mrbobbybones on insta) and he has started on his Insta Stories at night vibing what I love the most. Lighting a candle in a dark room and having a song of the night playing. Mood music if you will. I am spellbound and within the cusp of distance I am impacted. Cusp defined is a point of transition between two different states, a pointed end where two curves meet. How perfect that last Night his song of the Night was Jake Owen's "I was made for you." I have always liked the song but it hit me different when I saw and heard this late last night. It set the beautiful tone of the ending of a really good day. It made me think of a girl I adore who is on her Honeymoon and I pray she is dancing with her Groom to this very song.   June has always been the "wedding month" and I have two special weddings to attend this month. I being the romantic I am; I have to admit I am beside myself with glee. It is as if someone injected me with cupid potion straight arrowed to my heart. My oldest Godchild who has been like a Daughter to me got married to the one who completes her this past weekend. To say it inspired me would not begin to scratch the surface. It  forever changed me. When this gorgeous girl went to throw her bouquet she locked eyes with me and did her fingers in a V in front of her eyes then towards me(and probably all the others knowing her). It was as if magically she cast her spell during her momentous moment as imagining the pyschedelic hue spiraled and danced through the air with glistens of glitter straight to the depths of my being. Most certain all the other single ladies with me felt it too.  Although the bouquet was not caught by me, she threw me something so much more tangible to my Soul. As if struck by lightening I caught the realization that she saw in me something I did not and it taught me the importance of us all adjusting our focus.

This girl was given her name by her Mama which means Grace. Grace defined is simple elegance or refinement of honor or credit to (someone or something) by one's presence. She lived up to her name in every way. Most of all she imparted herself by her presence in the most unimaginable ways. Truly imparting herself in every way. At her bridesmaids luncheon I joked that I was going to have to leave the room because of my overcomed state of emotion. She spoke tearfully from her heart and soul to each of those who would be attending and to each one as she presented their gift increasing the value of what she was presenting. She included the Grandmothers, Mothers and even her Mams. We were graced. She and her bridesmaids all stayed in my Home this evening and all got ready within my boarders and took their pictures with her Parents, Me and all her girls within the helms of where me and my Daughter reside. I shall never view this Home or yard the same. No matter where life takes me it will go with me for it was planted deep within the fibers of my being. I am convinced as Ruth stated in the Bible one of my Favorite verses and quote, I have hanging in the heart of my Home, my kitchen for it is something 

that I view with my eyes from my Soulful Heart. These are the moments I live for. Those unforgetable moments that I will carry with me forever to replay throughout my days.  The morning of her wedding her Mother and I were sitting on the porch having our coffee and she and a couple other girls joined us. She looked at me and said, "Mams, your Home, it just has that sense that you can is special." My Home had been graced. She gifted me a book at her luncheon titled Celebrate Every Day. Inside on the first page,she wrote the following
I find it wildly ironic that me journaling my celebrated moments started here. For I have been awoken in such a manner that I had not realized had been in a deep slumber. That is the Awe inspiring knock me over with a feather moments that someone graced us. It is as magical as we allow it. Beauty is we control the dial of volume, and for me it is all the way up to ten. I could not be me turned down. You would not, could not shine with your God given finesse as anyone other than who you are way deep down inside. I will liken this to Snapchat. Those posts that appear and somehow life can try to erase. We have unlimited resources to impart and inspire those around us. Now a days we can add gif's and emoji's to up the ante on our thoughts and actions. Driving our intentions deeper, penetrating through the walls and hopefully tear down those that life will sometimes build. Like my cyber friend who I have never met and probably never will, he met me at the cusp. Smiling as I envision this as what used to be meeting at the water cooler. I used to work in an office where we would email and instant messenger had just been born. We would email "coffee break" to gather to see one another for that personalization that hearing and seeing one another could not be matched. To truly "see" one another is the hallmark of gifts to give and receive. 

The note she gave me with my book
These are her reading her very own letter before she walked down the isle from her Beloved. 

Think on each of these words for a moment, stalling and lingering over the each, letting your mind roam free. amazement
Those are all synonyms for Wonderment. We can choose this kind of life or settle for the antonym which is indifference. This love wonder imparted their love story into us all in attendance. We took pictures where she was taking the booty of my baby that had passed to put in her wedding gown pocket to have her close. She was already wearing the bracelet given to me when I had my Daughter, but she wanted to squeeze that lemon that much harder to get all the juice. After the wedding they released white balloons in memory of the Grooms Grandfather who had recently passed, a cousin to the bride, my Daughter and just very recently Warner a sweet week old newborn his Parents best friends to the Bride and Groom where his Mom was a Bridesmaid and his Dad was a Groomsman. It was poetry in motion and I was spellbound. 

 One of their best friends officiated their ceremony and he encouraged all those in attendance to hold the hand of their spouse to renew or rekindle their own magic during the vows. Both sets of Parents gathered at the alter after the unity candle and all of the attendants gathered and prayed for this glorious couple while come to the alter was sung by guitar.  When they announced the Bride and Groom there were shouts of jubilation that both came from deep within and smacked your own Heart. They exited the Chapel while we all cheered, hooted and hollared as the each came down the isle to Earth, Wind and Fire's, September and it was as if that song became live form right then and there as the beginning lyrics go, "Do you remember the 21st night of September?
Love was changing the minds of pretenders
While chasing the clouds away
Our hearts were ringing
In the key that our souls were singing
As we danced in the night
Remember how the stars stole the night away"
And we did just that this evening as we not only Celebrated this Loving couple but we too had awoken our own realization of just what life could have if not right there in front of us, then assuredly it was right around that corner. Most of all, thank you Hannah for loving not only me so immeasurably big; but us all in such a deep way it unlocked the places life had shut. You see, we all are cooler than we think. It just takes those that "see" us to show us sometimes, when we lose our way or forget. May we all harken to this example and love so deep and wide and Beautifully. This is the Beautiful Wonderment of Life. 

Turn this up to ten and dance like you have never before, Celebrating. And....write that book. Everyday. Everyday. Everyday.