Tuesday, April 16, 2019


Letting out a sigh as I shudder from the coolness this morning air brings. Snuggling just a little bit more under the blanket as the weightiness brings comfort. My head falls back onto the chair, the excitement churns within as if percolating through my veins and spreading throughout my entire being. I am buckling up perhaps for takeoff into the great adventure to the unknown. This Majestic Morning speaks to my Heart; wooing me of it's splendor as I drink in this unparalleled beauty. The sky so clear and breathtakingly blue. As if the Sun is shining with higher wattage than normal. It's intensity speaks to the depths of my Soul as I bask in all it's bewitching marvels. Sharp, crisp, distinct lines as if an artist painting this indescribable view. The oil so rich and thick it projects off of the canvas giving depth to this decadent Spring Morning. This morning is liken to what you Dream of in the bitter moments of Winter. Undeniable that Spring has Sprung within my boarders and bewitchingly amidst my Soul. As if all of Nature is harkening. Silently wooing with whispers so hushed as I hear the wind blow through and rustle the leaves upon the trees both near and far. I sense a call to throw open wide my Heart with reckless abandonment. The choir of birds that sing in harmonious musical scales sing out the most mesmerizing ballad. Resounding that not only Morning has broken; but I have been awaken. 

Morning has broken like the first morning
Blackbird has spoken like the first bird
Praise for the singing
Praise for the morning
Praise for them springing fresh from the world. 

Ironically enough; just night before last we had a large and billowing storm come through. We had anticipated it for most of the day, but it didn't arrive until the wee hours of the morning. I was awoken  with frightful clamoring. Piercing thunder that alarmed and quaked my being. Fear set in as I worried about all the things that meant so much to me. I thought of my Momma as she was at her Home. Praying she was somehow able to sleep through this. I prayed for my Daughter as she was with her Dad and his Family. I was missing her tremendously; but knew she was being comforted. I grew anxious and uptight for the water oaks that live within my yard. Worrying all the rain and clamor would find another tree to fall. Overtaken by nervousness about the path it might take if it did. I kept looking out the window checking on my precious bluebird family with babies that had just hatched that lives in a house outside my bedroom. I grabbed my goulashes and raincoat in case the birdhouse leaned over from the rain I would dash out to straighten it. Right then and there in the midst of the overwhelming fear that raged, I realized that besides all the elements that scared me, nothing was actually wrong. I had allowed my thoughts to be enslaved to all the thunderous booms and lightening that crackled in the sky. As if breaking these chains that tried to constrain me I realized the importance of what we build our "Houses" on. House here is our Lives, our Hope and Dreams; our very essence to our being. 

Sweet the rain's new fall, sunlit from Heaven
Like the first dewfall on the first grass
Praise for the sweetness of the wet garden
Sprung in completeness where His feet pass

Recently, I saw a post and it was of our heartbeats on a monitor. Showing how it peaked real high to only dip real low and repeating itself continuously. It stated, the only time our heartbeats will stay even keel is at our death. When we no longer have a heartbeat. This beautifully describes mere life itself. Often times we want it perfect mountain top to mountain top circumstances. However, the real growth and life happens when we drop deep into the valley. As if inspection is in full swing on our walls and most importantly our foundation. This is where we are being renovated. A reconstructive phase where Life is building back and reinforcing our walls that had seemingly faltered. Areas perhaps that had become stagnant or hopelessness came in like a flood. Just like planting our seeds in our garden. The growth is not seen as it is internal or structural; its the roots strengthening. Deep and deeper still they go.  Then comes the appropriate timing of blooming. Life is measured by timing. Often times we think there is no essence to life underground because we cannot see it. Think of the fortitude of strength that it takes for the glorious flowers to erupt through the ground. Something to think about next time you arrange those delicate beauties in a vase. I constantly tell my Daughter she is delicate like a rose. I love the quote, "A thorn defends the rose harming only those who would steal the blossom." Another one that comes to mind, "But he who dares not grasp the thorn , should never crave the rose." She is one of my Dreams come true in every sense of the word. I had planned for quite sometime a date for us to watch the Masters together as we have traditionally done the past few years. The whole shabang. Homemade Masters egg salad, pimento cheese and the iconic Sara Lee Pound Cake. She being the typical Teenager chose to blow me off and do something that seemed to entice her more. I had to reroute and thwart her plans in order to remind her to look around and bask in the essence of who and what we most assuredly are.  I made her sit alone upstairs for a spell. To reflect upon her actions and to understand the importance of Family. Explaining that this was the strongest portion of her Life only coming second to her Faith. It wound up being more memorable than I imagined. From cackling over outfits, to dreamy comments on golfers to yelling and rewinding strokes gasping "did you see that?!" As her Mother, I knew she needed this. To strengthen her passion for a game that helps define her.  This viable force invokes cheering one another on as warriors for we fight for one another and defend against the storms that try to weaken our walls. Independently as well as collectively. 

Mine is the Sunlight
Mine is the Morning
Born of the one light Eden saw play
Praise with elation, praise every morning
God's recreation of the new day

I have been enjoying these lyrics to Cats Stevens Morning Has Broken since the Spring arrived. It is astounding to see the bursts of life that had been lying dormant. It is afternoon now as I sit in the warm sun and get back to writing. The soft wind blows through my hair. The cool breeze dancing as if to the percussion as the most precise conductor leads an orchestra. The birds still singing melodies as if ballads or the greatest love song ever sung. They sound so happy as I have bell trained my bluebirds and respectfully even the squirrels and other birds are taking note. My adventures with these Bluebirds are an enchanting story all their own. One day I shall put into words the emotion. The delightful tunes transcend my mind piercing my  heart as if branding this moment. Delightfully subduing the Wonderment with my love affair with Life. As I laid in my Yard, these words came to me and I quickly spoke them into my phone to save. It was as if the depths of my Soul was calling out;

Sing me a song, one just for me
Unleash that melody that unlocks my soul to run free.
Spin me around again and again
Filling my heart with glee
As the wind takes my hand I release all fear
Intoxicated and breathless my heart is so full 
satisfied with the very things I hold so dear. 

 Standing up I brush the grass off of me as I have been laying belly down in my yard, face to face with a turtle. Curiously snapping pictures and allowing Mother Nature to move me to depths that satisfy my longing Soul. As if each new morning gently rouses me to awaken. Inviting me to drink in it's mystifying beauty. I live to be amazed and find such satisfaction within the most common of things. Transforming the mundane into miraculous that simply blow you away and take your breath in an instant.  Measuring our days each evening; while beholding a blanket of stars that only God could illuminate. These are the defining moments where you know you were made for this. Life is the greatest Love Story; and we have been cast the leading role. You have all the elements for yours to be a Blockbuster. This is the Wonderment of Life. xo