As my eyes slowly opened this morning, I was not disappointed with all the Splendor my eyes drank in. The beach was drawing me, the breeze, the sounds of the water reaching the shore and alas going back out. As soft whispers wooing, they were awakening me to frolic with delight and granting me the permission to allow my heart the Merriment it longs for during the school months. Those months that restrict me, causing my absence in those months to be felt instantly as I breathe in deep inhaling all the beauty around me. This moment embraces me and allows my being to stretch in its glorious splendor somehow trying to savor this enough to last me all the months ahead. My cup of coffee is more caffeinated it appears this morning, thoughts dance about and whisk me away, somehow stirring my Heart. As we find ourselves on the downhill slide of Summer, I proclaim that I will delight in Today and arise to meet the challenge of Making the last of this intoxicating time something to appreciate and long for next Summer. Such I liken this to Life itself. Oscar Wilde was quoted as saying, "To live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people just exist." Although I will miss terribly the simplicities of Summer once school is back, I will be better by the discipline and structure. As to Life, so may times we want to whisk away from the humdrum and melancholy moments when we must choose to not Exist but to Live in those times as well. Maybe even more important during those times...
As the weekends wouldn't be as sweet if we didn't have the week, so is Life and Living not Existing. Make those goals, strive to obtain that which you first thought was not possible. Make a difference. The Wonderment of Life is allowing the Dream to emerge as it should. We do our due diligence but Life when Lived will shape it as it was Truly designed to be. I ponder over what Oscar Wilde meant, why did he find that to Live is the rarest thing? We all were designed with a purpose and uniquely created to be no one but our best self imaginable. A beautiful dear friend texted me the other day about me being a mentor with her becoming a Mom herself with her daughter, as humbled as I was, it brought such acute awareness, if I were being anyone other than myself and not driven by my purpose I could not be this to her. Same applies to you, people are watching how you Live your life. I will share with you what she said to me because I believe I am not the only one this applies to. She said, " break down the iron walls and be who you are supposed to be." I needed that inspiration to charge after self doubt, inadequacies and the other blockades that prevent me from Living and cause me to Exist. Identify what is causing you from Reaching that Dream and LIVE this could be the last chance you get so this time might be the charm! Be a Trendsetter and go against the Norm and be one who truly Lives....
Friday, July 24, 2015
Monday, June 1, 2015
I sit slumped down as if I have melted into my Porch Swing sipping on sleepy time tea allowing the herbs to help usher Mr. Sandman to my door, as everyone else in the neighborhood appears to be asleep. I am entranced, watching my new purchase of lights as these lights drip down in my tree in front of me, my mind begins to Dream. I bought these lights from a spot that Inspires me, an Oasis for when I need that spurring deep within, for me to come back and impart in my own surroundings. This place is located in Fairhope, AL and I encourage all to stop in, expect to be inspired at Green Gates.They know when I come in I shall get a cup of coffee and draw from all around me lingering over to the spots I find delight in and drinking it all in waiting for something to connect in my inner making. Touching and smelling, envisioning this, yet adapting it to the coveted spot I desire to impart it's charm. Now, I am basking in not only the spell bounding lightshow before me, I find my Inspiration has come to Life. Now, I allow my thoughts to stretch and take flight without my effort. Delighted to see where these thoughts may take me, I feel the excitement billow within me like a tickle in my stomach. Perhaps these thoughts will remind me of things I have forgotten or missed. Conversations, Moments, Places in time, but oh how I enjoy to see where my Heart takes me. Its as if I too have the Peter Pan ability to fly, which we all possess we just have to allow ourselves to connect to Our Wonderments of Our Own Lives. Sometimes I am not going to the yonder years but trying to identify myself in the days or times to come. Not literally, but in my Soul, above all else I want my Soul to be Satisfied.
In the day in which we live, what an impossible feat for most. Pompous and Arrogant if you whisper your Satisfaction, yet unappreciative and greedy if you are not.
Truth is, isn't this the basis of most Childhood Tales and Movies? I am rapidly approaching fifty and I am not through Dreaming nor should you at any age you find yourself now reading this. I have said having a daughter has allowed me to relive my second childhood as I go through Life with her and rediscovering all The Wonderments Of Life I had forgotten. Perhaps Life itself has taken my attention away from stepping out on that Living on a Prayer notion your heart stirs of. We hear this time and time again, Life doesn't stop until we take that last breath. I saw in a movie recently about the analogy of the Grave itself and how there are two dates you will see listed. Our lives, it said, are consisted between the dash of the two dates and to make that time matter. See, I knew back In December I wanted those certain lights I had seen in Green Gates, but it wasn't until May that I had them. Whether because I was saving the money, not sure where to put them, regardless the reason I am so thrilled that I waited now, because the timing could never be more perfect! I never sat on my front porch until recently, upon finally giving in (and I am so glad I did!) to purchasing my porch bed/swing. Now we live out front and these lights couldn't make my view any more wonderful! So this is with Life. Strive for the Dreams just be careful not to detour too early in hopes of arriving sooner, that you get lost from the Dream itself. Stay true to your inner compass and convictions and know that in the due time needed it will prevail. Noting that as you travel, you may be far from that Dream itself, or think you are; however you are making your story and fulfilling your Destiny within your Dash. What could be more Satisfying than this?!
I leave with you the one and only Bon Jovi, you cannot be in a bar, at a Mardi Gras Ball, or shoot even in your car and this not Excite you, Motivate you and Fire you up. When hearing this song with others, strangers even; it is like the Hope of All Mankind is Sparked and United. It is as if we are linked arm and arm as woven and knitted together for the betterment of us all. Everyone is dancing and jumping with hands in the air and at the top of our lungs we proclaim - We are only Half way there, living on a prayer! This is the Wonderment of Life...
In the day in which we live, what an impossible feat for most. Pompous and Arrogant if you whisper your Satisfaction, yet unappreciative and greedy if you are not.
Truth is, isn't this the basis of most Childhood Tales and Movies? I am rapidly approaching fifty and I am not through Dreaming nor should you at any age you find yourself now reading this. I have said having a daughter has allowed me to relive my second childhood as I go through Life with her and rediscovering all The Wonderments Of Life I had forgotten. Perhaps Life itself has taken my attention away from stepping out on that Living on a Prayer notion your heart stirs of. We hear this time and time again, Life doesn't stop until we take that last breath. I saw in a movie recently about the analogy of the Grave itself and how there are two dates you will see listed. Our lives, it said, are consisted between the dash of the two dates and to make that time matter. See, I knew back In December I wanted those certain lights I had seen in Green Gates, but it wasn't until May that I had them. Whether because I was saving the money, not sure where to put them, regardless the reason I am so thrilled that I waited now, because the timing could never be more perfect! I never sat on my front porch until recently, upon finally giving in (and I am so glad I did!) to purchasing my porch bed/swing. Now we live out front and these lights couldn't make my view any more wonderful! So this is with Life. Strive for the Dreams just be careful not to detour too early in hopes of arriving sooner, that you get lost from the Dream itself. Stay true to your inner compass and convictions and know that in the due time needed it will prevail. Noting that as you travel, you may be far from that Dream itself, or think you are; however you are making your story and fulfilling your Destiny within your Dash. What could be more Satisfying than this?!
I leave with you the one and only Bon Jovi, you cannot be in a bar, at a Mardi Gras Ball, or shoot even in your car and this not Excite you, Motivate you and Fire you up. When hearing this song with others, strangers even; it is like the Hope of All Mankind is Sparked and United. It is as if we are linked arm and arm as woven and knitted together for the betterment of us all. Everyone is dancing and jumping with hands in the air and at the top of our lungs we proclaim - We are only Half way there, living on a prayer! This is the Wonderment of Life...
Wednesday, May 13, 2015
I read today, "It will cost you Nothing to Dream and Everything Not To". The needle on the record player just scratched immediately to a halt during the middle of the song and had all of my attention saluting. The thing about this statement that stuck with me is this; it's the safest investment yet. No collateral, just only the chance of dividends to be collected as in an Annuity. Why in this world would I not pursue more of my Dreams if this is true? Why do I not see people lined up in droves as in the day after Thanksgiving to race through the store doors, taking the risk of being trampled to the ground to just have the opportunity to attempt to grasp that hot deal that there were only a few of? Then there are the people who are lying back in their favorite recliners, rubbing their bellies stuffed full, agonizing over why I ate just a little bit more, half awake yet in their food coma gazing into their News Stations on Television shaking their heads at these Ridiculous Souls waiting for ghastly amounts of time just to gamble on the victory of obtaining that coveted prize. I have to ask myself, which would I rather be?
I saw something this morning that excited me; like a Pop as JJ Walker on Good Times would say DY-NO-MITE! Someone posted this on Social Media "If you can't figure out your purpose, find out your passion. For your passion will lead you right into your purpose. Beautiful. This is like the Map with the Greatest Hidden Treasure. I would love as I leave my house today to be bombarded by people in the masses to be Searching for that Clue that is undeniably confirmation of that which stirs their hearts and leads them yet closer to obtaining that which they seek. Maybe I am just an overgrown kid in an old lady body but this is where you will find me. Purpose defined is this-
: the reason why something is done or used : the aim or intention of something
: the feeling of being determined to do or achieve something
: the aim or goal of a person : what a person is trying to do, become, etc.
In my life I have a Daily Purpose that fuels me so that by the end of my day I can judge or measure how efficient I was with what I was given and by how much I desired. Furthermore, how that day perhaps helped sculpt or shape my Larger Purpose. Sometimes we have Life so mapped out in our heads, that when it goes contrary to our ideals, we just pull over to the side of the road as in a car that ran out of gas. I remember and shall never forget that when I was pregnant I was ill. Like all day, every day, horribly, putridly ill. I was the happiest Pregnant Lady ever seen I am quite certain amidst it all, well maybe not this day. I think Pregnancy had not only sought havoc on my body but now my brain. Picture this if you will. I was teaching Vacation Bible School at my Church and I had to leave because I was so ill. All I wanted was to get home, I am in my neighborhood, like I can see my house and as I am pushing the gas pedal my car started slowing down. The harder I pushed, the slower it went! I didn't even think about it being the gas situation. I being the mechanic I am determined my engine blew. I had to call my nephew to come and I was out of gas! It was raining horribly like a Monsoon outside and I just cried like the baby I was carrying, having the biggest pity party imaginable. Out of Gas?! Now I felt even worse because I was senseless sick as well as physically. I think I began to cry harder at this moment. Now I could have gotten out of my car and walked to my house. Instead there I sat dreadful and bleak. It was Pouring inside and outside of my car. But what I am trying to relate with this is; I was almost there. My end was in sight all I had to do was recalculate my actions to get there. Even though it was my own negligence that got me in this situation, I still could fix it and get back on course. And you can too...
Ask your self Am I Strong in how I am going through My Life? The Wonderment of Life here is when Passion is Defined, all three definitions started with Strong. When JJ would spout out his Famous word, it was Strong. It was felt. We were all created with Purpose and Passion. Just like no two Finger prints are alike neither are we. Whether you are at home in your recliner rubbing your belly or out in the masses pursuing that golden ticket, I hope you will be inspired and feel that even though you might be in that moment of out of gas, use that time to look over that map again. Pour over it, get out that highlighter and chart a new path but just don't let Life and what it throws you to stop you. Chances are these "pit stops" are there for our betterment we just don't always see it at the time because we are only looking at the prize. The Journey is sometimes the most rewarding part. I believe when I am old and gray, I will have many a story of my Life's "pit stops" and laughter is sure to follow but it will be felt. Not just by me but by those who hear my stories. I will not allow myself to stop from going after ALL that drives my Passion and Purpose. Get that Gas Can, grab that Map and Go after Life and all you were created to experience. Can you feel it?
Friday, April 17, 2015
I read today "you get in Life what you have the Courage to ask for" by none other than Oprah Winfrey. I love her because she has been bold in going after her Dreams and making a difference in so many other lives in the process, mine included. It is as if she has the internal make up of Steve Austin or Jaime Sommers better known as the Six Million Dollar Man or the Bionic Woman. She has been able to outplay the expectations of all around her and she is still at it. Recreating and diversifying her interests and talents and leaving behind yet another goal to be checked off and still another one made. That is someone who has my full attention on High Alert. I love that it is from the Passion within her driving her to dare.
We all possess a Competitiveness and Zeal to surpass the "Norm." Everyone has the "Ideal" they are striving to meet at countless levels. But who has their hand up that they are exerting the energy with the tenacity that forces them to not give up? As my Best Friend will always say, "Retreat is not an option." Number one requirement is you have to know what you are driven by. Now let me share with you another example, this one more personal to me... One of My Grandmother's encompass my heart. It is as if "Polly" (this is what her Father would call her) is alive within me. What I want to share with you about my "Gran" is that she was true to herself. She knew what her talents and interests were and she imparted them into me and so many around her. That is what set her apart and made her different. Christine Cranwell Elmore lived a life that to most was nothing more than Ordinary perhaps; but I am convinced she found at the end of her long lived life that she was one of the fortunate ones that lived a life of effervescence and drank in the glorious riches that so many miss all because she followed her own Ideal Direction. This meaning of Inspiration excites me, it delights me and it is delicious to my soul : something that makes someone want to do something or that gives someone an idea about what to do or create : a force or influence that inspires someone
: a person, place, experience, etc., that makes someone want to do or create something
: a good idea
My life was changed by her simply living her life. By embracing her own Ideal, her Life will perpetuate not only in my life, but already in my daughter's and countless others yet to be discovered.
“The purpose of life is to live it, to taste experience to the utmost, to reach out eagerly and without fear for newer and richer experience.” ― Eleanor Roosevelt. As spring has sprung around my boarders I am continually enthralled with Nature. Returning Birds have found their beloved coveted spots and some to give life to their babies. My heart dances as I hear their chirps of unison bellowing out for their tireless parents return yet again and again with nourishment for their young bellies. It is such a Beautiful Wonderment of Life and I breathe in to inspire others and to allow myself to be inspired to nourish my own soul. As with the birds, may we chose not to Fear or Lack the Courage to leave our own Nest, but, may we strive for more Inspiration and Reach Those Goals that Life has Awaiting us.
"Do the one thing you think you cannot do. Fail at it. Try again. Do better the second time. The only people who never tumble are those who never mount the high wire. This is your moment. Own it."
-Oprah Winfrey
I screen shot this picture and I LOVE IT. Try moving and grooving to some of your own "Homemade Jam" instead of dancing to someone else's song and see what happens....

Rock on to this Inspiring Tune....
We all possess a Competitiveness and Zeal to surpass the "Norm." Everyone has the "Ideal" they are striving to meet at countless levels. But who has their hand up that they are exerting the energy with the tenacity that forces them to not give up? As my Best Friend will always say, "Retreat is not an option." Number one requirement is you have to know what you are driven by. Now let me share with you another example, this one more personal to me... One of My Grandmother's encompass my heart. It is as if "Polly" (this is what her Father would call her) is alive within me. What I want to share with you about my "Gran" is that she was true to herself. She knew what her talents and interests were and she imparted them into me and so many around her. That is what set her apart and made her different. Christine Cranwell Elmore lived a life that to most was nothing more than Ordinary perhaps; but I am convinced she found at the end of her long lived life that she was one of the fortunate ones that lived a life of effervescence and drank in the glorious riches that so many miss all because she followed her own Ideal Direction. This meaning of Inspiration excites me, it delights me and it is delicious to my soul : something that makes someone want to do something or that gives someone an idea about what to do or create : a force or influence that inspires someone
: a person, place, experience, etc., that makes someone want to do or create something
: a good idea
My life was changed by her simply living her life. By embracing her own Ideal, her Life will perpetuate not only in my life, but already in my daughter's and countless others yet to be discovered.
“The purpose of life is to live it, to taste experience to the utmost, to reach out eagerly and without fear for newer and richer experience.” ― Eleanor Roosevelt. As spring has sprung around my boarders I am continually enthralled with Nature. Returning Birds have found their beloved coveted spots and some to give life to their babies. My heart dances as I hear their chirps of unison bellowing out for their tireless parents return yet again and again with nourishment for their young bellies. It is such a Beautiful Wonderment of Life and I breathe in to inspire others and to allow myself to be inspired to nourish my own soul. As with the birds, may we chose not to Fear or Lack the Courage to leave our own Nest, but, may we strive for more Inspiration and Reach Those Goals that Life has Awaiting us.
"Do the one thing you think you cannot do. Fail at it. Try again. Do better the second time. The only people who never tumble are those who never mount the high wire. This is your moment. Own it."
-Oprah Winfrey
I screen shot this picture and I LOVE IT. Try moving and grooving to some of your own "Homemade Jam" instead of dancing to someone else's song and see what happens....
Rock on to this Inspiring Tune....
Monday, March 23, 2015
"Those who Dare to Fail Miserably can Achieve Greatly." John F Kennedy was quoted as saying these profound words. I don't know about you but I'm an all in kind of person. If I am going to do something, it is going to be worth the effort. What is that saying? Go Big or Go Home? Uh ha, that would be the antics of my life. To Forest Gump, life is like a box of Chocolates. To me, life is like The Great Hunt. Today it is A Scavenger Hunt. For Saint Patrick's Day, my Daughter was determined to capture her Leprechaun. We devised the Sure Fire Way if ever one was to be captured, we had it all rigged up. Alas, upon waking up the next morning, her phenomenal trap of all traps was sprayed with green silly string and as you looked at what laid before us, it was as if that Tiny, now annoying Irish Wee One was laughing at us with the mightiest of Megaphones. I think we felt smaller than He at that moment. Ever feel this way going after one of your Dreams? As She picked up her backpack out of her cubby on the way out the door that morning, she noticed the tiniest of scribbles written on the vast chalkboard wall, it read: "You tried to trap me, oh how can this be? watch out you pretty lassie....prepare for mischief and frolicking fun. Enjoy the Luck of the Irish - may it be with you, for you shall need it when I am done....xoxoxo" I do not believe that her feet touched the ground for the rest of the day. I would have paid more than a penny for her thoughts this day. First words spoken as she slid into the car at carpool with the enthusiasm as a runner dusting home plate for that winning run, was "Had the Leprechaun done any mischief?" I played it cool and shrugged my shoulders and told her I really hadn't been home most of the day. She seemed to sink into her seat a bit. Thoughts inundating her as if on the busiest Speedway during a race. I interrupted her deliberations liken to the biggest crash as in Talledegah leaving turn four. Now the caution flag was flying to slow down this brainstorm. Now, I didn't take her straight home as normal, we ran a couple of errands before an after school clinic. I even brought her clothes with us to change into. *(I never do this.) You could tell the anticipation was building as I so hoped that it would. Here is what she walked into... Her Leprechaun left a Scavenger Hunt for her to follow....
This clever tiny green man had us dashing to and fro, He knew to take us from one end to the other! Outside, to upstairs, to find us panting for our breaths. At each place the priceless search for the next clue and there was always something at that spot as well to engage in. Something to allow us to Glean if you will and then look for the next. There were 8 of these clue bags, but it felt like 88. My daughter said running to each place made it more magical. Maybe the dizziness from the dashing had caught up to me, however, I found the similarities to be so obvious as I dash through my life sometimes in full throttle to get to the next destination....
Her room was overwhelmingly trashed, it was bewildering and not for the faint of heart. But something in her knew to keep going, somehow out of all of this chaos would her answer lie and on to another clue. She squealed and she giggled and she gasped at her findings but little boo knew to keep on and keep trying.
Zig Zigler was quoted saying, "Dreams are the Edges of the Puzzle of Your Life." Sometimes you have to Dare to Dream, but I truly believe your rewards will find you achieving greatly. Keep Challenging yourself. Keep striving to Go Big or Go Home. Look for the clues in your your Dreams. All the pieces believe it or not are there to finish that puzzle - Your Puzzle. Make it interesting. Don't always start with the boarder. Mix it Up. Change up by accessorizing that go to Ensemble. Hunt for the Clue's to take that next step. Understand, it is piece by piece so you can glean; not in it's entirety. If you are like me, that is not always easy. But it can be a lifetime of excitement. You just cannot stop and become stagnate which means to cease to run or flow, as water, air, etc.
to be or become stale or foul from standing, as a pool of water.
to stop developing, growing, progressing, or advancing:
to be or become sluggish and dull. By George I think it's going to be an Unbelievable Week and as you put that morning cup of inspiration down; take note, The Wonderment Of Life is as Jack Johnson sang, " there is no stopping Curiosity, turn the whole thing upside down."
Since it's Monday, I leave with you the Phenomenal, Soulful Whitney Houston...dare to feel it, pump those shoulders and glean. Whatever your stage in your Dream weaving, look for all of the Wonderments Life has waiting.... just. For. You.
Her room was overwhelmingly trashed, it was bewildering and not for the faint of heart. But something in her knew to keep going, somehow out of all of this chaos would her answer lie and on to another clue. She squealed and she giggled and she gasped at her findings but little boo knew to keep on and keep trying.
Zig Zigler was quoted saying, "Dreams are the Edges of the Puzzle of Your Life." Sometimes you have to Dare to Dream, but I truly believe your rewards will find you achieving greatly. Keep Challenging yourself. Keep striving to Go Big or Go Home. Look for the clues in your your Dreams. All the pieces believe it or not are there to finish that puzzle - Your Puzzle. Make it interesting. Don't always start with the boarder. Mix it Up. Change up by accessorizing that go to Ensemble. Hunt for the Clue's to take that next step. Understand, it is piece by piece so you can glean; not in it's entirety. If you are like me, that is not always easy. But it can be a lifetime of excitement. You just cannot stop and become stagnate which means to cease to run or flow, as water, air, etc.
to be or become stale or foul from standing, as a pool of water.
to stop developing, growing, progressing, or advancing:
to be or become sluggish and dull. By George I think it's going to be an Unbelievable Week and as you put that morning cup of inspiration down; take note, The Wonderment Of Life is as Jack Johnson sang, " there is no stopping Curiosity, turn the whole thing upside down."
Since it's Monday, I leave with you the Phenomenal, Soulful Whitney Houston...dare to feel it, pump those shoulders and glean. Whatever your stage in your Dream weaving, look for all of the Wonderments Life has waiting.... just. For. You.
Friday, February 27, 2015
My latest," go to" accessory the past week has been my bird watching goggles. Tis True, I have been entertaining a vast amount of Robin's and I am enthralled in their every motion. Like the spell bounding novel that you cannot tear your eyes from, they have me entranced in awe of their splendor. The most Harmonious of ballads ever sung could not surpass their lyrics that speak to me and stir my heart. It goes beyond any words spoken, it transcends me to another place where I am roaming as in a field of the most aromatic, exquisite bouquets that are freely blowing in the liberating breeze of my thoughts and innermost desires. I find myself swaying in the meadow lost in the deliciousness of their chirps. My daughter ran to me in the house last week and was so excited, she squealed, "you MUST come quick to the front yard! Yes Mama, the Front Yard,(we normally feed the birds and such in our back yard) it sounds like the Enchanted Forest out front! You must come quick!" I dash to join her as we propel out of the doorway and as if we jumped down the Rabbit Hole as in the beloved Classic Novel, "Alice In Wonderland." It was like a dream. We found ourselves captivated, holding hands, mouths ever so slightly parted, barely breathing as feared to disrupt this massive choir as they entranced us with their perfected melody. We have had more birds than I could count this year. I dare to put a number, but; when I tell you that my back yard joins a vast open area these Robin's have covered the ground as a large picnic blanket laid out for the masses. I gasp as my mind cannot register what I see or hear at times. Have you ever found yourself as this? Where you want to hit the freeze button of Time and just relish in the effervescence of the moment?
I use this example of these birds because it had me start studying on the word Migrate and found it's meaning to be - move from one place to another, sometimes seasonally. The word move is what was illuminated to me. Oddly enough here are some quips that I saved recently, let me share, "Knowing your destination makes the journey possible." "Some may succeed because they were destined to, but most succeed because they were determined to." "Never give up on a dream because of the time it will take to accomplish it.The time will pass anyway." All of these show some type of movement. The Wonderment Of Life here is how our lives are made up of Seasons. Mandatory seasons we must embark on in order to arrive at our Dreams and Pursuits, furthermore, mere survival of our existing lives. Sometimes the season is not welcomed by us because we have found ourselves somewhat content even though not being true to our innermost desires, we know this is not our spot but sometimes we are not wanting to exert what it takes to venture forth. I feel this is commonly found in those whose dreams never came true...
I use this example of these birds because it had me start studying on the word Migrate and found it's meaning to be - move from one place to another, sometimes seasonally. The word move is what was illuminated to me. Oddly enough here are some quips that I saved recently, let me share, "Knowing your destination makes the journey possible." "Some may succeed because they were destined to, but most succeed because they were determined to." "Never give up on a dream because of the time it will take to accomplish it.The time will pass anyway." All of these show some type of movement. The Wonderment Of Life here is how our lives are made up of Seasons. Mandatory seasons we must embark on in order to arrive at our Dreams and Pursuits, furthermore, mere survival of our existing lives. Sometimes the season is not welcomed by us because we have found ourselves somewhat content even though not being true to our innermost desires, we know this is not our spot but sometimes we are not wanting to exert what it takes to venture forth. I feel this is commonly found in those whose dreams never came true...
Today, I awoke to find that these Robin's have moved on. Just as unexpected their arrival was so do I find myself with their departure. As I peer outside with my cup of coffee, no longer do I see the vast array of birds that sauntered in my yard. I find myself missing them...something lacks within me that perhaps I hadn't allowed myself to entertain before their arrival? I now miss them which I barely grew accustomed to before, I gape at the difference in my yard. The sounds are different... how do we effect those around us as we migrate through our stages of our own lives? As we move towards conquering those lofty yearnings from deep within, just as with the Robin's, there often comes opposition. For us at times it is the nay sayers; which oddly enough is sometimes ourselves! The doubts and insecurities seem to crouch in and try to choke out the enthusiasm needed to defend our cause. For the Robins, one of the things I saw were the number of Hawks that were circling my yard sometimes looking as if working as a team to subside their hungry longings. Being acutely aware is crucial if we want to succeed. I am certain I was not the only old lady buying worms from the bird store and tossing out blueberries and strawberries to help nourish and empower these feathered friends to sustain them on their journey. So it is in our own lives. How many times have we missed opportunities to reach out and say the apt word that is needed to be spoken, or deed done to that one you may or may not know what they are facing? Ole Zig Ziegler shared powerful stuff when he said, "You can have everything in life you want, if you will just help other people get what they want." Rock on. Be that Super Star your inner celebrity knew it was acclaimed for. Put that Spotlight on those around you today and buckle up to see what the Reviews will say.
Wednesday, February 4, 2015
"It's the possibility of having a dream come true that makes life interesting." I can put this morning's motivating java down because when this person posted this mere quote, they had NO idea how much they just super infused me in such a way that caffeine cannot compare. Such a bolt of energy inspires me and stirs my yearning to Conquer. The word Possibly means being possible. Possible = that can be done; that can happen: that can be true or fact. Ready for this? Can defined is to be able to: know how to: have the right to. Who doesn't want a life that holds one's attention? I got my hand up! I know that we all have times in our lives that we look back and say, "Wow, I don't know how I did it." Somehow we find ourselves in situations that looking back we must be some caped crusader incognito. Why can we not do this with the future? Our Future? Why do we doubt mostly ourselves and our own abilities where if we truly looked back at ourselves we have more than needed to meet the match of our Dreams to lasso them into existence and thrust them all into reality. It is ever increasingly important as we grow older to grasp this and live it to the fullest. That is what keeps us vibrant and youthful at every age. I want to be the happiest little pistol when I am old and grey. I wanna be climbing the Mountains of my Desires and Living a life that is Memorable and Interesting. I will because I can....
I feel I have mentioned this before but it bears the repetition. I will look at my daughter and say, "You know you can...." I am then interrupted by her with her eye rolling at times as she finishes my statement, "I know Mom, I can be anything I want to be and I can do anything I want to do." I will nod at her half approving, and then I will tell her to state it like she means it. She will be somewhat disgruntled at times when she starts as she was pouring over the latest gossip on her social status or doing anything more interesting than the topic at hand, nevertheless, without fail, before she is finished with her declaration there comes that twinkle in her eye and the corners of her mouth will curl up ever so slightly. I smile from the very depths of my heart in such an assuredness it radiates off of me and I will nod again as in Perfection has been reached. I seem to think it will continue to be said for the duration of my life to her. You see, these pictures that I share are interesting because I scheduled this photo shoot purposely on my younger daughter's birthday that had passed away several years prior. It generally is a day to wipe off the calendar in some respects, but not anymore! As we changed our outfits and coiffured our "do's" we giggled all day long and I would share things about Claire just to keep her memory alive in Camille's heart. I was imparting not only to myself but into her that even in the midst of hardship, you have to declare that you will prevail. You have to go on offense instead of waiting around on defense. To me, it is inevitable that life will place things in our lives in all sorts and fashions, but; I truly believe in all things we are faced with, if we continue to move and go after Life, and all our dreams and desires that go with it, as in a football game looking toward that goal to not only make that touchdown, but win the game; we will have the life that is Interesting. Just like the Super Bowl this past weekend, the same can be seen of our lives if we put the right plays in motion and allow our abilities as in that young player who helped win the game for the Patriots. Same player who was just working at Popeyes recently and is a rookie. He knew what he possessed and all the while humble the same can be said of you. Today. Everyday. Did you know you can be anything you wanna be? Did you know that you can do anything you want to do?
Such a Wonderment of Life it is to breathe in and Conquer those Dreams and Desires. We have done this our entire life. Taking the baby steps as a young little child, riding a bike for the first time, swimming on your own. Even when we fall off the bike, we are always told to get back on or maybe today you will help that one get back up.... Oh! How it invigorates me and exhilarates me. Why do we stop? I have so many things I have yet to even discover to explore! Every day events take place to allow us to use our Traits and Gifts and how many times do we allow them to be overlooked instead of igniting your inner dare devil with all the effervescence to spew out as a volcano? Come on, defy the odds, make your life interesting. Although we cannot determine the cards that will be dealt to us in life, we can strategically play the hands we are dealt, even when the chips are down, somehow you will be able to up the ante or go all in and inspire all around you just on how you played the game. Your game of Life...
I feel I have mentioned this before but it bears the repetition. I will look at my daughter and say, "You know you can...." I am then interrupted by her with her eye rolling at times as she finishes my statement, "I know Mom, I can be anything I want to be and I can do anything I want to do." I will nod at her half approving, and then I will tell her to state it like she means it. She will be somewhat disgruntled at times when she starts as she was pouring over the latest gossip on her social status or doing anything more interesting than the topic at hand, nevertheless, without fail, before she is finished with her declaration there comes that twinkle in her eye and the corners of her mouth will curl up ever so slightly. I smile from the very depths of my heart in such an assuredness it radiates off of me and I will nod again as in Perfection has been reached. I seem to think it will continue to be said for the duration of my life to her. You see, these pictures that I share are interesting because I scheduled this photo shoot purposely on my younger daughter's birthday that had passed away several years prior. It generally is a day to wipe off the calendar in some respects, but not anymore! As we changed our outfits and coiffured our "do's" we giggled all day long and I would share things about Claire just to keep her memory alive in Camille's heart. I was imparting not only to myself but into her that even in the midst of hardship, you have to declare that you will prevail. You have to go on offense instead of waiting around on defense. To me, it is inevitable that life will place things in our lives in all sorts and fashions, but; I truly believe in all things we are faced with, if we continue to move and go after Life, and all our dreams and desires that go with it, as in a football game looking toward that goal to not only make that touchdown, but win the game; we will have the life that is Interesting. Just like the Super Bowl this past weekend, the same can be seen of our lives if we put the right plays in motion and allow our abilities as in that young player who helped win the game for the Patriots. Same player who was just working at Popeyes recently and is a rookie. He knew what he possessed and all the while humble the same can be said of you. Today. Everyday. Did you know you can be anything you wanna be? Did you know that you can do anything you want to do?
Such a Wonderment of Life it is to breathe in and Conquer those Dreams and Desires. We have done this our entire life. Taking the baby steps as a young little child, riding a bike for the first time, swimming on your own. Even when we fall off the bike, we are always told to get back on or maybe today you will help that one get back up.... Oh! How it invigorates me and exhilarates me. Why do we stop? I have so many things I have yet to even discover to explore! Every day events take place to allow us to use our Traits and Gifts and how many times do we allow them to be overlooked instead of igniting your inner dare devil with all the effervescence to spew out as a volcano? Come on, defy the odds, make your life interesting. Although we cannot determine the cards that will be dealt to us in life, we can strategically play the hands we are dealt, even when the chips are down, somehow you will be able to up the ante or go all in and inspire all around you just on how you played the game. Your game of Life...
Wednesday, January 14, 2015
I have been pondering over the word Resolution. I have always enjoyed making my list at the close of one year, proud and optimistic that there is Nothing I couldn't accomplish this year with my chest bowed out, standing tall and quite confident THIS will be THE YEAR. The words do not need to be spoken audibly because my confidence and assuredness says it better than mere words could possibly convey. Million Dollar question is WHY? Why do I feel so invincible? I have Helen Reddy bellowing in my ears, "I am Woman." Where is all that Mojo in June through August when I am wearing my Moomoo's to cover up what didn't become of that sculptured physique I had envisioned for myself. Golly, I declared it. Right? Isn't that what a Resolution is in the first place? Definition of Resolution simply is: thing decided on; thing determined. Power of holding firmly to a purpose. Act or result of solving; solution. Ok. Lets simplify here, Its pretty crystal clear to me that a resolution is without hesitation something you can take to the bank. BOOM. Given the example of me in a Moomoo on the beach in the what's to be Sexy Summertime months, appears my check was no good, it bounced. Hmmm.....
I use the weight loss, best shape ever analogy only because it's the number one Resolution year after year. Is it because just maybe, there's the tiny ant size truth that we really never intended on giving up the ding dongs and midnight raiding of the fridge? Maybe we somewhere deep down are acutely aware that we are popping zippers and splitting britches because there could be the minute possibility it truly needs to happen? Truth is; are you ready for it? We just don't want to do it. Ta Da! It is really that in your face simple. We really weren't Resolute to begin with. I am not a deep, profound smarty but I get that resolute means clearly the following: determined;firm;bold. Uh oh...
So for all the nay sayers who don't wanna even attempt at Resolutions because they never work anyway, this is for you. Me included. Are you really where you want to be in ALL areas of your life? Are there NO goals or dreams you haven't yet accomplished or seen brought to life? Listen, I am proud for you and quite green with envy but I dare to bet you haven't unturned all the stones that lay before you. See, I believe in anything can happen. I believe that nothing is impossible. But wearing my aluminum foil sweatsuit and chasing cheetoes with milkshakes ain't no way gonna give me what I truly desire for my Summertime Soiree's . I want to encourage you to not shrink back and not even try. Sometimes it takes not only that determination and declaration it takes time. Maybe I will look somewhat better, (one can only hope) by the end of this calendar year, but; it may be well into the next year; however this much is true, I must do my part. I must put both oars in the water and paddle. We have All we need to accomplish our Dreams, Goals and Resolutions. We just need to use them. I will no more get to shore by catching rays with my eyes closed and laying down enjoying tunes while my oars lay in the bottom of the boat. I have to exert the energy I possess to steer my course. I must be Resolute, even if windy that I WILL make it back to shore even though I think my arms might fall off.
Bottom line, how bad do you want it? How far do you wanna go? You were created for a specific reason with the necessary ingredients to succeed. Take the time to take yourself on a date. Fall in love with you. Understand your limits than press further. Go beyond what is expected from you or anyone and surprise everyone! Then and only then will you start to see the results of your labor. I want to share a video a friend posted on Facebook, what I want to show is this person is determined, day after day, they were Resolute and I absolutely loved the result...
Go sharpen those pencils and clear the cobwebs from those Dreams and put them to life. Don't settle for a Good or even Great 2015, join me and go for the Off the Charts Mindblowing Year. While studying on what Auld Lang Syne meant I fell in love with this; While this song is being sung, It is common practice that everyone joins hands with the person next to them to form a great circle around the dance floor. At the beginning of the last verse, everyone crosses their arms across their breast, so that the right hand reaches out to the neighbour on the left and vice versa. When the tune ends, everyone rushes to the middle, while still holding hands. When the circle is re-established, everyone turns under the arms to end up facing outwards with hands still joined. I am Resolute that I will do just this one day and I cannot wait!
Now take those Resolutions and embrace them as you enjoy this only song that comes to Mind at this Special Time of year by the One and Only who is only getting better... Peace Out...
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