My latest," go to" accessory the past week has been my bird watching goggles. Tis True, I have been entertaining a vast amount of Robin's and I am enthralled in their every motion. Like the spell bounding novel that you cannot tear your eyes from, they have me entranced in awe of their splendor. The most Harmonious of ballads ever sung could not surpass their lyrics that speak to me and stir my heart. It goes beyond any words spoken, it transcends me to another place where I am roaming as in a field of the most aromatic, exquisite bouquets that are freely blowing in the liberating breeze of my thoughts and innermost desires. I find myself swaying in the meadow lost in the deliciousness of their chirps. My daughter ran to me in the house last week and was so excited, she squealed, "you MUST come quick to the front yard! Yes Mama, the Front Yard,(we normally feed the birds and such in our back yard) it sounds like the Enchanted Forest out front! You must come quick!" I dash to join her as we propel out of the doorway and as if we jumped down the Rabbit Hole as in the beloved Classic Novel, "Alice In Wonderland." It was like a dream. We found ourselves captivated, holding hands, mouths ever so slightly parted, barely breathing as feared to disrupt this massive choir as they entranced us with their perfected melody. We have had more birds than I could count this year. I dare to put a number, but; when I tell you that my back yard joins a vast open area these Robin's have covered the ground as a large picnic blanket laid out for the masses. I gasp as my mind cannot register what I see or hear at times. Have you ever found yourself as this? Where you want to hit the freeze button of Time and just relish in the effervescence of the moment?
I use this example of these birds because it had me start studying on the word Migrate and found it's meaning to be - move from one place to another, sometimes seasonally. The word move is what was illuminated to me. Oddly enough here are some quips that I saved recently, let me share, "Knowing your destination makes the journey possible." "Some may succeed because they were destined to, but most succeed because they were determined to." "Never give up on a dream because of the time it will take to accomplish it.The time will pass anyway." All of these show some type of movement. The Wonderment Of Life here is how our lives are made up of Seasons. Mandatory seasons we must embark on in order to arrive at our Dreams and Pursuits, furthermore, mere survival of our existing lives. Sometimes the season is not welcomed by us because we have found ourselves somewhat content even though not being true to our innermost desires, we know this is not our spot but sometimes we are not wanting to exert what it takes to venture forth. I feel this is commonly found in those whose dreams never came true...
Today, I awoke to find that these Robin's have moved on. Just as unexpected their arrival was so do I find myself with their departure. As I peer outside with my cup of coffee, no longer do I see the vast array of birds that sauntered in my yard. I find myself missing them...something lacks within me that perhaps I hadn't allowed myself to entertain before their arrival? I now miss them which I barely grew accustomed to before, I gape at the difference in my yard. The sounds are different... how do we effect those around us as we migrate through our stages of our own lives? As we move towards conquering those lofty yearnings from deep within, just as with the Robin's, there often comes opposition. For us at times it is the nay sayers; which oddly enough is sometimes ourselves! The doubts and insecurities seem to crouch in and try to choke out the enthusiasm needed to defend our cause. For the Robins, one of the things I saw were the number of Hawks that were circling my yard sometimes looking as if working as a team to subside their hungry longings. Being acutely aware is crucial if we want to succeed. I am certain I was not the only old lady buying worms from the bird store and tossing out blueberries and strawberries to help nourish and empower these feathered friends to sustain them on their journey. So it is in our own lives. How many times have we missed opportunities to reach out and say the apt word that is needed to be spoken, or deed done to that one you may or may not know what they are facing? Ole Zig Ziegler shared powerful stuff when he said, "You can have everything in life you want, if you will just help other people get what they want." Rock on. Be that Super Star your inner celebrity knew it was acclaimed for. Put that Spotlight on those around you today and buckle up to see what the Reviews will say.
"It's the possibility of having a dream come true that makes life interesting." I can put this morning's motivating java down because when this person posted this mere quote, they had NO idea how much they just super infused me in such a way that caffeine cannot compare. Such a bolt of energy inspires me and stirs my yearning to Conquer. The word Possibly means being possible. Possible = that can be done; that can happen: that can be true or fact. Ready for this? Can defined is to be able to: know how to: have the right to. Who doesn't want a life that holds one's attention? I got my hand up! I know that we all have times in our lives that we look back and say, "Wow, I don't know how I did it." Somehow we find ourselves in situations that looking back we must be some caped crusader incognito. Why can we not do this with the future? Our Future? Why do we doubt mostly ourselves and our own abilities where if we truly looked back at ourselves we have more than needed to meet the match of our Dreams to lasso them into existence and thrust them all into reality. It is ever increasingly important as we grow older to grasp this and live it to the fullest. That is what keeps us vibrant and youthful at every age. I want to be the happiest little pistol when I am old and grey. I wanna be climbing the Mountains of my Desires and Living a life that is Memorable and Interesting. I will because I can....

I feel I have mentioned this before but it bears the repetition. I will look at my daughter and say, "You know you can...." I am then interrupted by her with her eye rolling at times as she finishes my statement, "I know Mom, I can be anything I want to be and I can do anything I want to do." I will nod at her half approving, and then I will tell her to state it like she means it. She will be somewhat disgruntled at times when she starts as she was pouring over the latest gossip on her social status or doing anything more interesting than the topic at hand, nevertheless, without fail, before she is finished with her declaration there comes that twinkle in her eye and the corners of her mouth will curl up ever so slightly. I smile from the very depths of my heart in such an assuredness it radiates off of me and I will nod again as in Perfection has been reached. I seem to think it will continue to be said for the duration of my life to her. You see, these pictures that I share are interesting because I scheduled this photo shoot purposely on my younger daughter's birthday that had passed away several years prior. It generally is a day to wipe off the calendar in some respects, but not anymore! As we changed our outfits and coiffured our "do's" we giggled all day long and I would share things about Claire just to keep her memory alive in Camille's heart. I was imparting not only to myself but into her that even in the midst of hardship, you have to declare that you will prevail. You have to go on offense instead of waiting around on defense. To me, it is inevitable that life will place things in our lives in all sorts and fashions, but; I truly believe in all things we are faced with, if we continue to move and go after Life, and all our dreams and desires that go with it, as in a football game looking toward that goal to not only make that touchdown, but win the game; we will have the life that is Interesting. Just like the Super Bowl this past weekend, the same can be seen of our lives if we put the right plays in motion and allow our abilities as in that young player who helped win the game for the Patriots. Same player who was just working at Popeyes recently and is a rookie. He knew what he possessed and all the while humble the same can be said of you. Today. Everyday. Did you know you can be anything you wanna be? Did you know that you can do anything you want to do?
Such a Wonderment of Life it is to breathe in and Conquer those Dreams and Desires. We have done this our entire life. Taking the baby steps as a young little child, riding a bike for the first time, swimming on your own. Even when we fall off the bike, we are always told to get back on or maybe today you will help that one get back up.... Oh! How it invigorates me and exhilarates me. Why do we stop? I have so many things I have yet to even discover to explore! Every day events take place to allow us to use our Traits and Gifts and how many times do we allow them to be overlooked instead of igniting your inner dare devil with all the effervescence to spew out as a volcano? Come on, defy the odds, make your life interesting. Although we cannot determine the cards that will be dealt to us in life, we can strategically play the hands we are dealt, even when the chips are down, somehow you will be able to up the ante or go all in and inspire all around you just on how you played the game. Your game of Life...