Our lives are filled with moments and they are laced with opportunities to impart change in another or be changed or perhaps both. Being swept away and knocked off your feet with Life is that you allow the moments that surround you to have their perfect work and impart Love without reservation feeling every sensation. You see our last day with Hunley was more than perfect, I left no stone unturned; as we sat in the yard one of his favorite spots, I held him as the sun warmed his body his hair was blowing in the breeze and we poured ourselves into him with all we had. By the end of the day I only uttered I wish I could have just one more day because it was so perfect but continued but that would only go on for countless days to come. We squeezed all we could into him and out of this last day we shared together and my mantra will continue with those around me. What life taught me this day was ever more so to live in the present moment, to pour my very essence into that which is at hand and those in which I find myself surrounded by. I was using this moment in our lives to teach my Daughter who found herself mostly making videos of her back handsprings and tumbles dashing over to us for a comforting hug or kiss to her Mother and/or dog but she was learning. Oh I spent many a moment kicking myself throughout the day thinking why did I have to throw all my heart into him, why not just some of it? Surely the pain and loss wouldn't be so great, but alas nor would the beauty and the overwhelming power we shared as his frail little body would stagger to get up to come and find me when I left him for a moment with my Daughter, she was shocked and moved that he would go for me when he wasn't alone for she was by his side and he was so sick. This moment stayed with her and she spoke of it throughout the night and still today days later; that powerful bond as she described it, me a total complete utter wreck face all swollen never leaving his side and him only wanting me as close as possible at all times. Isn't this what we were designed to share with one another after all?
I found myself powerfully moved as I always am even seeing it so many times over the years, the impact is always the same with the movie, Dead Poets Society. Those last moments when Robin Williams the Professor has been asked to resign, leaving behind students he has thrown his heart and soul into with such passion that it was undeniable his effect upon them. Emotions from deep within bypassed their minds and senses and went like a perfectly executed arrow shot by the skilled archer with his bow into their souls. When that first student stepped up onto his desk and bellowed out "O Captain, My Captain" and the others followed suit, you could see them wrestle with the decision but what inspired them was so powerful fueled with passion that alas they too stood on their desk and chanted. Oh that we may impart our trueness, our barest of our souls to those around us so that they are undeniably moved. You see the beautiful illumination to me is the rarest gift that this Professor received was to be given back from those he planted himself into and was effected. Do you love with such intensity that others are moved? Or do you hold back and whether to protect yourself or guard, you give a slither or a portion? Perhaps none at all? Authenticity is magical I read today and I am definitely a believer, you can tell when someone is all in it is powerful, it engulfs you and entrances your senses. I believe in what measure you give it will in turn be given and I can tell you in one of the hardest days in a very long time I was immersed with a force so powerful that through the letting go more was indeed given. The loss is great but the opportunity to have loved and shared deep companionship I will forever be grateful. I was forever changed and will continue to be as I continue to give the fullness of my heart and soul into those I hold so dear to my heart each day. This my dear friends is The Wonderment Of Life.
I leave with you one of my favorites, Mr 305 reminding us to feel this moment, today, right now. It is the beginning of a new week, make it memorable and extraordinary.