Tuesday, March 14, 2017


Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. And the only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven't found it yet, keep looking. Don't settle. As with all matters of the heart, you'll know when you find it. - Steve Jobs  Why is it that we try to conform to life itself or to ideals that do not fit us? I love this powerful statement, in fact I could dissect it, breaking it down  exploring the undefinable depth to all the truth it contains. I am delirious with how he, Steve Jobs, business guru ends it like a Romeo with likening business to the matters of our heart. What an incredibly insightful man. I am not saying that we all should pack up our desks and quit our jobs, trust me I have held many a job that wasn't satisfying per se however I put my heart into it and alas found that quench for my thirst. Take the Chick-fil-a employees for instance, they just cause me to want to be a better person, I am only going in to order my Daughter her regular same ole meal and Wham! They get me every single time. So I ask again, why do we not rise above our current situations that honestly do not define us and allow our Dreams and Heart to shine through? 

My first job was working at McDonalds in the Mall, all other McDonald's employees at other stores called us the candy store because we had it easier they said, hours they were correct but not on the work. It was a tough job and I am better by holding that job, I have taught my Daughter how tough that job truly is they have my respect most assuredly.  However; not until these Chick-fil-a rockstar employees hit the stage people seemed to think less of that position. Job is truly the same, it is the people and their attitude that impacts the every one of us. They are what makes us impressed and gush with how much we love that business and they truly impart that serving me was indeed their pleasure not just empty words they are forced to say. I remember at my McDonald's job my boss would walk by and if I was dillydallying because perhaps my customer was cute she would walk by and swat my behind with a towel to move it along as she held her stop watch. To him perhaps it was indeed my pleasure but on Saturday's, that line would go out the door from the sea of people and then they would order their burger with no onions, I had to tell them to go have a seat and I would bring it to them. I still talk of this to this day because it baffles my brain and left such an impact on me this many years later I giggle when I reenact the stories because this job left so many teaching moments on this sixteen year old, I thought I knew everything teenager. I would walk around this busy restaurant looking for that one person out of the multitude that ordered this burger, as I walked thoughts of, why couldn't you just scrape off the onions? For the one that we had to hold the ketchup just eat it, it is good for you. Thoughts were trying to make me grumpy at these people for being so spoiled and picky but funny thing is I chose to not allow that to shine through. I made it fun walking around and sashayed almost socializing, smiling as I passed, probably as a break to mingle with these people perhaps regardless Tammy prevailed. Ok, probably not every time, but the choice was presented to me each and every single time. The choice is there for you as well. 

Cupid here is going back to that last statement because I am obsessed with it. As with all matters of the heart, you will know when you find it. Boom what a Trump statement it just blows me away with ecstasy. When we allow ourselves to not impart with our heart we have done such an injustice, not only to those around us but to ourselves. Last night I was speaking with someone that I was rather uncomfortable with because I felt stifled as if I wasn't accepted for  being me and it dawned on me that The Wonderment Of Life is that we can be liberated even when there is no liberty extended. Wish it would have dawned on me earlier because my uncomfortableness was so definably awkward I giggle today of embarrassment. Just as the beginning quote; We possess the power to exude the passion of being satisfied, not settling, to do great work, loving what we do because it is bigger than our positions or task at hand, it is with our heart. I believe when famous ones are "discovered" there was something that set them apart, they were different somehow to be noticed, right?  If you are being led by your Heart and fueled by your Dreams, that dead end job just landed you unlimited possibilities. Some of my simplest of jobs have been some of my most treasured memories that impact me still many years later. Wonder if I wouldn't have allowed my heart to lead me how my life would be utterly unfulfilled.  Allow yourself to be overtaken with Gratitude wherever you are right now and grant your heart the opportunity to take the wheel and you take the back seat and just see how sweet the ride is. I believe when you love what you do you cannot help but do great work in every way to every one. 

I leave with you a song that bears repeating, he sang it opening night of the Oscars and see for yourself the impact he made on EVERYONE around him by allowing his Heart to exude the Passion for what he was doing, it even led him to dance with his wife which just blew me away I will honestly never forget this performance. May we move as effortlessly as his dance moves as we love our lives filled with purpose and passion with our tasks we have at hand and do great work that satisfies our souls. 

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