Monday, May 1, 2017


I was reading earlier  Charlotte Bronte and came across this quote that lit my soul on fire. "The human heart has hidden treasures, In secret kept, in silence sealed; The thoughts, the hopes, the dreams, the pleasures, Whose charms were broken if revealed." It immediately made me think of the old saying let's get to the heart of the matter. The Free Dictionary defines this as meaning, The focal, central, or most important element of a topic, problem, or issue.  I find it ironic that we have to point out to get to the heart of any matter, why isn't that what we portray on the fly naturally? It is as if we have to toil when in essence it is the reality of our beings and yet it is as if we are imprisoned within our own walls unable to exert our depth and only giving sprinkles or dabbles of our concreteness or our core. Core defined is  The central or innermost part. You clearly see the utter obviousness of these two words with weighty similar meanings. I just love to be in the water during the hot summer months, I reflect and my mind takes me back to being around 6 or 7 and jumping off my dad's houseboat squealing as my little body splashed into the Reservoir. I had my life jacket keeping me on top of the water and I was and am still intrigued with the temperature difference. As my feet would dangle down below it was cold vastly cold and the closer I came to the top of the waters it became warm; wonderfully, soothingly warm. Such that I would try to float and balance my body on the top where the sun could touch my body and bring that intensity that my very being was comfortable with.

As I reflect on being in that Reservoir, the truth is I was almost afraid of the coolness down below, it was so much more soothing on top. I was uncomfortable not being able to see what was down below; my imagination raced of all that must be lurking below right amidst my  defenseless feet and helpless toes. How much I can liken this back to that quote in which we started with. Our dreams and truest desires are living so deep within our beings that sometimes it is uncomfortable to connect with them. I believe often times we allow our imaginations and fears of living ahead of our Moment in time or looking back at previous attempts and without any clarity we simply walk away. It is why the intensity of living in the moment is so crucial. My devotion this morning was speaking of when you go to see an Orchestra play and if you were to walk in amongst them warming up, they would sound utterly dreadful and lack the slightest of talent. However, once that conductor walks up, takes his stick and hits the podium calling the musicians to attention and in a moment as if all chaos was stilled you are lulled by the mesmerizing talents delighting your senses. I liken this to us being directed by our Core and as Bronte wrote of the Human Heart it is our Conductor or our Compass attesting to that which there is no grey only black or white and I am entranced by those who live by this. They are never overlooked, moreover; as if a beacon that shines in the foggy night leading the ships safely back to the Harbor so as are we when our innermost part is able to shine and our outer shell doesn't extinguish the intensity.

My devotion also went on to talk about the watch and how refreshing in the day of the smart phones we still prefer to wear one on our wrist. However, when we look upon our watch to gauge the time alas it is there upon the face however; this is only possible because of what is inside of it. If you were to open your watch you would see a myriad of tiny itsy bitsy particles that are interconnected and interrelated they turn precisely in the right order so that you can see the time on the outside. You cannot tell the time by merely gazing at the gears. Life is like a watch, sometimes we see the face, sometimes we see the tiny individual pieces but we never see everything, there is so much happening behind the scenes, underneath the hood, behind the curtain in  places and people that we could never see. 

As you are driven to live out your dreams and purpose, just as when we exercise to strengthen and tighten our Core for we hear how so important this is as we age evermore so does this to apply to the core of our souls. My girlfriend told me the other day she was going to take up yoga for the simple reason of strengthening her core because as she ages she needs her core to be in shape to help balance her body to move around more effectively without harm. My mind instantly drew a line connecting these two thoughts and it inspired me and excited me to "exercise" my innermost Core and Heart by connecting and toning my pieces within my makeup to help me execute more effectively in pursuing that which my soul truly longs for. In a day in which the attention is so heavily highlighted about our outer body and appearance, I in raising a tweenager and myself middle aged will remind her and myself and to you reading this; that if we focus too much of our energy on the surface of our purpose and dreams, shining our cars and detailing the rims of the wheels and fail to change our oil and service our engine or fuel the gas tank we will simply never arrive to our desired destination. We may look good, stay safe from collisions life will indeed bring; but my friend, you will never be going anywhere and you will assuredly miss the ride of your life you were created to journey. So today, jump in the waters and swim deeper in those cooler temperatures to what is underneath in your heart and soul and then let your top down as if driving the sleekest convertible you could possibly imagine, turn up the music and just enjoy the ride for This is the Wonderment of Life. 

Turn this up where ever you are right now and close your eyes and just feel that wind blowing your hair, admiring the view, let your mind run free, identifying with your innermost parts that fuel your being smiling as your dreams invade your being and just cruise....

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