Tuesday, July 25, 2017


I woke up with such anticipation and enthrallment of this new day, uncertain of what might unfold but the churning within was intense.  Every fiber of my being was assured that something was in the air as if proclaiming Marvelous Monday was on tap. I laid there singing Cat Stevens Morning has Broken looking up the lyrics and pondering on the words as if marinating my senses. Within moments of me leaving my bed that I invisioned as my cocoon unleashing myself into this vast world as a butterfly transformed from being a catapillar my surge of magnificence was being taunted and mocked as the melancholy raindrops fell and the party crashers of my moment were filling me with somber and gloomy sensations. Alas the enlightment of this day was something that came from so deep within, that it was as if I shooed the melancholy away with one effortless swoop. My best friend Marty, years ago worked at the YMCA and she would call Monday's Marvelous, she would even send out encouraging tidbits to banish the blues, empowering us all to make it mighty. As she would enter those doors to her work place, she would take on the tone saying Good Morning as if a command of greatness; even if it wasn't much to describe of as good. That was a lifetime ago but she is still that same force today, and those actions from so long ago, sprung to the forefront of my mind as this day was quickly unraveling scrambling to gain the reigns and alter the course by taking control. 

I sauntered over to meet my morning standing date with Mr. Coffee, blissful for I had moved him, feng shui if you will;  to a new spot and made for myself a beverage station with all my choices boutiqued and showcased for my delight. My steps were moving to the beat of various singers with their own renditions saluting "it's going to be a lovely day" trying my best to rap to the soulful s.o.u.l. s.y.s.t.e.m. and Bill Withers with B.I.G. even Kirk Franklin as they played on my phone rerouting the dreary and filling my soul with merriment. When that coffee had met my lips the corners of my mouth were turned up so far that a laugh slipped out, anything less than pure delight would be an understatement. It was as if I heard the bell ringing as my imagined gloved hand was thrown into the air as if by the referee in a boxing match and I had beaten my opponant. As I sat in front of my computer with coffee in hand and started this blog; my computer was stuttering whether due to the rain or the meloncholy had overtaken it I am uncertain, however; because of the hesitation of strokes on my keyboard;  my entire blog was erased in a moment. I was utterly stunned and speechless, it was almost completed and just like that it had vanished. The Wonderment of Life is not in having days flow perfectly and harmoneously with our desires and flights to achieve our Dreams and Goals, moreover; it is being able to soar and overcome that which tries to ground us. A quote came to mind by Markus Almond, "Things are never going to be perfect. The stars almost never align. We have to push them." At that precise moment I just threw my head back then shaking it I couldn't help but  chuckle as  I said "but of course!" At that moment that I walked away and made the decision to not let it get the best of me, I would choose to push them in alignment, it was then and only then it dawned on me; these are those moments the ones that try you, the moments that try to change you from who you are and what you are deep down in your core that we need to pay attention to and allow yourself to be rerouted if you will but never losing the Dream. I liken it to our GPS it has the destination set; it is up to us to trust in that and to follow the routes given even when they say make a legal u turn. 

I read this morning before I even left my bed that someone posted, Make Today so awesome that Yesterday gets jealous. Another that I marked was, "The lessons you learn, on your journey towards a destination, will always be more valuable than the destination itself." You see I fully realize and understand that many of the Dreams that I am persuit of I may not ever achieve however I am compelled to continue, just as I had awoken to feeling the marvels that today had in store, I prevailed against the obstacles that tried to vere me off my desired destination and although my day has not come to end as of yet, I am bold in assurance and stout hearted in fascination, engrossed in the moments that fill my day and making the most of every one of them. Just as a track runner will scale over the hurdle it is indeed something to drink in as you watch their form, their movement as they take flight leaving you gasping with amazement; may the same be said of us as we execute our day as others are watching how you master your hurdles.  One day they will call to mind as I did with my friend and her Marvelous Monday's and perhaps they will use your technique to master their own hurdles. The Wonderment here is,  I have been happier on this Monday because I made it happen when I could have chosen to succumb to the barracades instead I took flight. 

Today on Tuesday I am better for having my Monday, life is funny that way, mere perspective and how we choose to view our lives. I leave with you a song it is one of my favorites and I wear this baby out when I am faced with my roadblocks and before a line or two is sung and danced by me, my entire perspective has changed; so I found it so incredibly fitting for this.  It doesn't matter what your choice of beverage, liken to me in my beverage station sip on that ice tea maybe add some lemonade to it or ice down that diet coke and have your smile, just push yourself away from that desk at work and get to that water cooler and fix a little drink; the point is our attitudes will always determine our altitudes; you decide on how high you want to fly. 


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