Saturday, July 19, 2014

Be Curious

I read that" CURIOSITY is the Compass that Leads Us to Our Passions. Follow it and you won't be disappointed. The future belongs to The Curious." I kind of relate Curious to Childlike. When I find myself Curious, I feel playful, energized.  When I am curious, I find I am in a state of searching or waiting to see what will become. It can be exciting, discovering the newness of something or the fulfillment of another. Children show us best how to take in this Big Ole World we live in. They are busy! They are everywhere. Exploring. Asking questions. And of course... The Why's. It is sometimes harder for us adults to stop and allow ourselves to explore. Explore our thoughts, desires, Dreams, life around us. We always hear stop and smell the roses; yet how little time do we really allow ourselves to breathe in and bask, drinking in Life around us until we are intoxicated by its beauty?

One of my favorite things about Life is; it is always changing. Always moving. I like to relate this to working out with my trainer; I am almost in tears because of what he has me doing for this certain set but I know that it will pass as soon as I complete this  and there will be something else. So I seem to find the stamina needed to move past that which I find most unpleasant so I can get to what is bearable or pleasing. So it is with life. 

I want you to call to mind, wherever life finds you NOW as you are reading this. It is not too late to go after those Passions, those Dreams. Allow yourself to be Curious. There is more than meets the eye EVERYWHERE. I like this by Will Smith from The Pursuit of Happiness, "Don't ever let someone tell you that you can't do something. Not even me. You got a dream, you gotta protect it. When people can't do something themselves, they're gonna tell you that you can't do it.You want something, go get it. Period." 

Curiosity killed the cat

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
This article is about the metaphor. For other uses, see Curiosity killed the cat (disambiguation).
"Curiosity killed the cat" is a metaphor used to warn of the dangers of unnecessary investigation or experimentation. A less frequently-seen rejoinder to "curiosity killed the cat" is "but, satisfaction brought it back".[1]
The original form of the metaphor, now little used, was "Care killed the cat". In this instance, "care" was defined as "worry" or "sorrow."

Here is the poem, Curiosity killed the cat, Satisfaction brought it back. Safe and sound, from head to ground, from head to ground, It was safe and sound.

After all, aren't we all wanting to be Satisfied? It seems to me, Curiosity is a large part of The Wonderment of Life... Queen sang it best, Don't Stop Me Now enjoy this video and let its words recharge your battery and get after what you are to do! I can't wait to share what I find - I hope you will join me~ 

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