Tuesday, July 8, 2014

There Will Never Be .....

Fill in the blank; There will never be ______________. WOW, those options are many!! At least for me I can say that changes with almost each passing thought I have! But then I stop and ask myself, what is the blank that I am the most passionate about? At the end of the day in all of the things that happened, all the people I encountered, tasks that were left undone and the things that were accomplished, what is that ONE thing that stands out?

The thing I am finding as I am "maturing" is that the sometimes most frustrating, most difficult whether  situation or circumstances or people that is the thing that seemed to stand out at the end of my day.  Sometimes the Surprise was Negative but will somehow forever change the course of this Life that I lead.  I can laugh about how I completely lost my temper at this rather frustrating individual, or smiled from ear to ear at the thoughtfulness someone showed me.  Either way from each extreme they are Wonderments. The Wonderments of Life...

Beauty is all around us and within us. Same with the Wonderments, the surprises of life the good and the bad, the happy and the sad. I read something today and it was like POW! It said, "One sees great things from the valley; Only small things from the peak." Ok,  here is a great one from one of my favorites the now Late Maya Angelou - We delight in the beauty of the butterfly, but rarely, admit the changes it has gone through to achieve that beauty. 

Life is full of Wonderments. Some of us are so busy we have to sit and reflect on each one as if it were the only  just to drink in its Awesomeness. Others are crying out for a good surprise to help sustain you through another day.  I ask you to join me and think about your day; what are the Wonderments that you almost missed? What are the ones you will never forget? And what are the ones you wish you could forget? 

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