Tuesday, July 15, 2014

The Little Things

I just have to say it. It's The Little Things that make such a difference in our lives. That moment that someone just did something that made you smile, or touch your heart in such a way to move you. At the end of the day, you remember them. Sometimes it isn't something that was done for or to you, just something you encountered or were part of in some mere way. 

I am approaching fifty in the next couple of years, maybe THIS is my midlife crisis! However, I truly do not feel it is a "crisis" at all. I read this Tweet today from one of my favorite preachers. Rick Godwin tweeted, "Nobody grows old by merely living a number of years; people grow old only by deserting their dreams!" #livebold Are you kidding me?? This is Fab to the ulous!!! I want to stop and reflect on this. What dreams have I forgotten about or put aside due to life and or the lack of confidence to see those dreams come about????


May we all find The Little Things each day. May we also be the one who does for another to help them in some way and be the Wonderment of their day or their thing they smile of as they drift off to sleep at night.

So many dreams I have had for my own life I am happy to say have come true; however NOT in the way that I might have expected. Example, I always wanted to be a Mom. Always. Well as happy as I am to say that ONLY 38 and 39 years later it came true! ha! And if that weren't enough, my second child was diagnosed with Trisomy 18 in the womb and wasn't expected to make it full term. She did and I was able to be her Mommy for 8 weeks! What curve balls these were. But I am determined to take it ALL in and say how does this help determine the destiny of those dreams? How is this preparing me for other dreams I have or yet to have or to even  help others with their dreams? 

What I want to say is we all have had or are having or are going to have those Curve Balls thrown. But let us not allow them to call us out of the game, moreover; let us have them be what helps us make that home run! This my friends is truly The Wonderment Of Life~

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