Sunday, August 10, 2014

Only YOU

I read that "You only have ONE life to live. Don't coast through it, make waves! I love this!! I am a rebel wanna be. If there were rules to follow, somehow I would mix up the variables and I implemented what I wanted to exist as well. Such as my sense of fashion, or therein the lack of. I feel like looking back on my life in so many situations I was swimming up stream all alone with my opinion, outlook, or moral belief tucked in close to me. I am most happy when doing this I have found. At the point in which I find myself today living, it appears that the majority are mimicking others around them. A little is good. I find it to be the seasoning as in cooking. By implementing something seen or heard by someone else is the way to spice up our own versions of ourselves; however, too many are over seasoning and they are losing themselves. If we lose ourselves, we have lost that spice that was intended to season someone else. 

As a Mother of a fast growing nine year old daughter, I want her to embrace who she is. Imperfections and all. I want her to enjoy picking up things from others she likes but I want to always see HER overall. So many of us have been so blessed to have the admiration poured into us to be that person we were destined to be. But its not to late for all of those who didn't have that. It is never too late. I want each of us to realize what is unique and different about ourselves, it may even be something we don't like too much ourselves... but let us not snuff out what was that spice that others were needing to help enhance their own lives. We ALL have something to flavor others lives. We live in a world that has us spinning; sometimes out of control, trying to be the next best thing or being like everyone else. We need to be like Muhammad Ali and capitalize on our unique qualities. Once we believe it, everyone else will soon too. 

I believe that if we cultivate more of ourselves we will find that we are making the difference, and in turn; others will be spicing up themselves with what you possess. In almost everyone I encounter I see that "umph" that they possess and whether I wish I were more like them and less of myself, I relish in their uniqueness, and somehow it makes me better... Let us make that our quest, in becoming the World's Greatest YOU, understand and acknowledge that the others we encounter are inevitably launching us to come out as Ourselves in the truest form. You will never influence this world by trying to be like it. This is one of the Sweetest Wonderments of Life I think, thank you to all who have affected my life and are continuing to be the compass to steer me in the right direction... Ralph Waldo Emerson said it best, "To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment." 

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