Friday, October 10, 2014


Here is Lilboo attempting to make a video for Miranda Sings that she adores

Have you ever felt like you wanted to go back and Take Two at situations in your life? Boy I sure do.  But most of the time, we are not granted second chances... Why do you think that is? Why do we not get more chances?? Is there really the One Shot at our Destiny's? I say Absolutely, Positively NO.  I say "Start Over" several times a day. But then again, I am not your Average Joe... Or Jane. Neither are you.  I want to squeeze all that I can out of every opportunity I am presented with to Hit that Mark. Leave that Impression. Impart that Knowledge. Gain Understanding. My opinion is, you have to MAKE the decision that there Will be another take, live outside the lines to determine the Take Two. How do you go about this you ask? Believe in what your situation is. I am Sales background, trust me, If I don't believe in it, I cannot, will not, be able to Sale it.  In my last job I held, there was a Customer that I wanted, it was "That One Account"  that would have been Incredibly Exillerating to have had sign on the dotted line. Yes, the Commission is One reason and there is nothing wrong with that, but I truly believe if that was my only driving force this would have been complete failure.  I worked so hard on this Contact. I approached any and all people remotely associated to making the decision to change. I brought in my Guns, every time I met a road block I would retreat and go back until I was prepared for the Take Two that previously had stopped me. Here I came again armed with the necessary armor to Succeed, however, I must admit;  I just never could close that deal. My boss even said there just wasn't anything left to unveil, we had tried it all.  I had shown them on every level that was apparent as to why they should change yet to no avail. I see this Customer still to this day that I couldn't sway and I must say I chuckle within and even though I didn't get His business, still,    I Won. It wasn't the Monetary way that this gal sure could have used, but I am Proud of myself. I feel Stouthearted when I think back. So it still is a win to me as long as we do it from our Heart with Our Best Projected. 

I am drawn to music if you haven't realized by now, and I played before school this Morning "Best Day Ever" By Spongebob Squarepants. You just can't help but feel that smile stretch far and wide from one ear to the other. I had it playing loudly and My Daughter and I  sang and sang and giggled a lot, and there was dancing too. But see I am teaching her that SHE is what controls her day, not what happens in it.  This songs lyrics say "When I'm feeling down, I want to lose that frown, I stick my head out the window and look around. These clouds don't scare me, they can't disguise. This magic that is happening, right before my eyes. Soon Mr. Moon, will be shining bright, so the best day ever can last all night." We have to tell ourselves at every age it is gonna be the Best Day Ever and then Hit it with your BEST Shot! It is the Key to Success! I send these, "Yes, you can!" Motivational quips for lunch boxes  for Camille's lunch, yesterday it said S_CCESS (It can't happen without U). BINGO!!!

I absolutely adore picking My Daughter up in the Afternoons after school because it never fails, when asked how her day was, it is described as "Incredible", "Awesome", "Fabulous" I love that it is never "fine, ok, good" blah blah blah. If she can keep that up she is going somewhere and others will follow or take note.  Our Attitudes truly dictate our Altitudes. A friend posted today, "Live your Truth. Express your Love. Share your enthusiasm. Take action towards your dreams. Walk your talk. Dance and sing to your music. Embrace your blessings. Make today worth remembering." - Dr. Steve Maraboli. We all can have the Best Day Ever even when it seems the day just cannot seem to go your way.  I hope I never forget that situation with that Customer, and I hope I never lose that zeal. When you make Today Worth Remembering, you truly will. This is The Wonderment Of Life....

Allow yourself to get lost in this Song, the day is not over yet, Take Two if you must; just make sure you Make it Worth your Best...

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