Tuesday, October 28, 2014


There is a Movie I adore called "The Holiday" I am sure most of you have seen it. I have seen it several dozen times over the years I am quite certain. It is ironic to me as Halloween embarks this week, it becomes the Busiest time of the Year for most of us. Like Intensely. Crazy. Stressful. Busy. Someone out in Facebook Land feels the Need to Post a Picture of The Elf with the countdown of how many more Friday's until Christmas. I mean, I literally Panic. I feel the sweat bead up on my upper lip as if that isn't enough,  I am forced to immediately wipe my brow to dry it off. The palms of my hands begin to profusely perspire  as do my feet. My entire body becomes hot and my face is instantly flushed as I am tugging on my shirt collar as to loosen what now seems like it is choking the breath out of my being. We sing This is the Best Time of The Year!!! No, No, relax, I am like the Silliest  Elf around. I absolutely Obsess with the Celebrations. No one could possibly have more fun than I at this time. I am Certain! But I do fight to keep my perspective on Enjoying it. Sometimes it is just plain silly how I stress over the smallest of details such as, what if we do not have enough merriment?! ( as if that could ever happen.) Maybe somewhere it has been programmed into me that I am to become uptight and heaven forbid "Scroogey." I gasp at the thought. I looked up what Holiday means in the Webster's Dictionary and WHOLLA! There comes in the movie I mentioned! It is defined as "A day when one does not work; a day of enjoyment:Christmas is a holiday for everyone.   VACATION." Guys, where have we missed it? Where in the world have I missed it? I Love me some Christmas, but I would never consider it a Vacation! Until Now....

Maybe I am only speaking to the two percent of Whoville's who long to Bahoom around the Christmas Tree even amidst being robbed by the Scrooge; but I help make up that two percent. Do you?  I am convinced I am going to have the Best "Holiday" this year... than Ever. I am gonna muster up my tiny amount of courage and be the First to Post how close we are to Christmas with all the Excitement I can scrounge up. Figuratively speaking of course. When I feel like the stress begins to emerge I am perhaps going to take a short break away from all of the Christmas Carols and Blast me some Madonna. That is correct. Old school Madonna. You will hear me playing loudly, "Holiday" and I will sing and dance... Here is a clip from one of my Favorite Classic Movies, Staring Audrey Hepburn who coincidently I named my daughter's middle name after  -  


I believe it is truly up to the each of us to decide and determine that when we overhear the chatterings of others at the water cooler we impart that Holiday feeling. You know, that feeling that you cannot contain because of the big trip or time off coming up and the Wonderment of doing whatever makes you happy... Maybe it will not be an entire week per say, but couldn't the stolen moments throughout the Seasons we are embarking on be more than suffice? I indeed say so. It worked for Audrey in Roman Holiday we saw a moment ago.  Allow yourself to relish in the  Seasons upcoming, lose yourself in the craziness of Halloween, I find it really sets the tone for the rest of the Seasons to follow if you allow it. After the Frolicking of Fun, here comes the Time of Thankfulness. The almost Somber, Serious undertones of just how blessed we truly are. Get lost in this time. Jump in a pile of leaves or lay down and just watch the leaves flutter to the ground and watch their journey as they fall. As if each single leaf is on it's own mission and follow it to the ground. Allow yourself to explore your own journey then allow yourself to be illuminated as you continue to embark  on or travel henceforth.   From there comes the Most Blessed Celebration of Christmas, is there anything more Beautiful to Behold? After the tones of Thankfulness have been stirred up I believe the Wonderment of The Best Time of the Year will ignite in an explosion within you. Like the movies of Old, where someone is presented with a journey on their past to open the windows of their souls in such a vast incredible way that you were moved. 

Some of my favorite Stolen Moments have always been and I suspect will always be, when I am all alone late in the Night, some warm beverage in hand, the aroma delightful, fire aglow embers hot and bright, lights only from my Tree softly set the tone and the music that awakens my heart with Merryment for me and I get lost. I lose myself and as on my Vacations, I don't want this moment to end and have to go back to the "real world." I have said before, my Family sing and dance on Christmas Night. We Celebrate. I truly know no other way. To you parents, what an Enchanting time to teach your children, share of your own childhood, tell the stories, whether in actions or the telling but Share these Stories, Your Stories.  This one day; as I am living proof, is the tone we set in what they will carry with them. I truly cannot recall most of the presents given, but I remember The Holidays....I feel them.  I implore you, to try this...dabble if you must, but at least commit to sticking your toe in to feel the water of these Seasons and find how deep you want to immerse yourself in them. You will always have those who are doing cannonballs while others are floating on their rafts just allowing the current to drift them. Just embrace where your Soul finds delight. These Seasons are Truly a Beautiful Wonderment of Life~


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