Friday, October 3, 2014


My DoorWay For Halloween Thanks To the Help of My Ingenious Friend (Blakely Webb) Who is Way More Talented then  I shall ever be. But we are quite the team. I pick it out and she puts it Together. Chloe' our Cat greets you here and Welcomes you.  No idea where the Boys are, (The Dogs, Two Maltese named Hunley and Jackson)  

I have raised my Daughter with such a Reverence and Connection to her Home. When we have been away or she has, seconds after walking through that door, she will almost Melt and Sigh saying, "There is NO Place Like Home." Those who Know me best know that my Home is my Identifying Entity. Regardless of Much Else that goes on in My Life, what resides within my four walls is what Defines Me. Always Has. Whether its after that long, hard day that nothing seemed to go just right, my intense longing was welling up to go Home. Intensifying as I drew closer, as if water drawn from the cool, fresh well  and partook in the driest of Deserts sipped by the parched of lips.  Once I crossed that Threshhold, I was within my borders that alienated me from all that was wrong, and emerssed me with all that was right. For Me, that is something to Celebrate.  You see, I spent a many a year, (still do) taking care of my sweet Mother. My haven, My Fortress, My Shelter had become something foreign to me. Somehow, due to circumstances beyond her control, due to her illness, there was a heaviness that would loom within my borders. If I just looked around at my situation, there truly wasn't much to Celebrate. Ever feel that way? Yet that tickle in the bottom of my soul would whisper to the very most inner parts of my being and tell me to Celebrate. Before you knew it, I could've sold tickets to come inside because there just wasn't a better place to be! See, all that had changed was ME. That is generally the Best place to start. 

So, let me ask you....what IS your Identifying Entity? If more than a couple seconds just went by and it didn't just pop up within gotta figure it out! Hold all the calls, put down your phone and tune into the most important thing EVER....Yourself. Get acquainted again, realize what was perhaps forgotten or ignite that fire that might have gotten smothered out. Once realized, that will be the cause for Celebrations that you might have been barely smirking at before. Not me choosing smirking over a great belly laugh. Not. gonna. happen. I believe whether it is Faith, Stamina, Fortitude, Endurance, or a lot of each, we have to go deeper than our surfaces show.  Not in a smirking way, but a belly laugh way. My closest allides don't accept my smirks, they want me to laugh from my deepest parts... Allow yourself to Belly laugh it is Medicine to our Soul. A Wonderment Of Life to Relish in. I have hanging in My Kitchen, (as it is the Core of my entire Home) a Cross stitching Of Proverbs 31 The Virtuous Woman. It was created by My Mother as she was becoming ill. I remember watching her pour herself into this Masterpiece. Everyone knows  if ever something were going Awry in my home and we must flee, grab that piece! One of the verses states, "She laughs at the days to come." Whoa that says so much to me. Just think on that one....then allow yourself to do inventory within your borders of your being and measure by this. Are you Smirking or Are you Laughing? 

I read "It's Not the Circumstances That Create Joy. It's You. Boom!  So Here goes Me Today whether tucked inside my four walls; that all the outer parts of me are stripped and I am able to be bare with the rawest of Dreams, Ambitions and Feelings to be laid exposed in the Security of the Acceptance of Me, or Dashing to and fro around town today, Hear me Proclaim, " I will Celebrate and Belly Laugh."  Today is My Claire's Birthday, my daughter that passed. For the first time, TODAY, on her Eighth Birthday, I Belly Laugh of  my Life with her, More Importantly HER Life. Once I realized this, I couldn't stop the corners of My Mouth from turning Up! Where birthdays past I was lucky to smirk at. Moreover, I would Dread because I knew that her passing date (that I truly Celebrate) is Near.  My new favorite movie "A Fault In The Stars" talks about making Exceptional use of our time given. I extend that to every area of my life and challenge you to do so as well.  My time with Claire changed my life forever for the better. Like Garth sings in "The Dance" what I would lose without This Day! OMG! Same with you and your circumstances and situations. The good and the not so good. Its part of Life.  If all you can do is smirk, start smirking. But dig, dig deep to find that laughter, for that is the Sweetest Moments to Blossom. I am Blooming today and I am so excited to be able to have JOY today and I am living proof It Started with ME. So what are you waiting for??? 

Who says you can't go Home?? Home is where the Heart is. Go Home today, I Invite you and Welcome you...

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