Sunday, October 2, 2016


This weekend has me Delirious, Enthralled with the Beauty of Simply Nature itself and the various elements that can change so quickly as in the cool, brisk weather that whisked in and awakened my Soul. The mere Wisdom that the Seasons show us as in especially here in the South, we can become Weary by the Incredible heat that once that cool breeze blows in you are mesmerized and transformed as you allow this change to entrance your senses as if dancing the most beautiful of Waltz's with all of it's soft, round, flowing movements. Slowly Metamorphosing by moving to the symphony of illustrious melodies as you find yourself awakened and revived. We need to allow ourselves to embrace these moments instead of resist or retreat because that Passion will emerge from deep within as we release and go with where this moment or Season takes you. I liken it to the dancers that are uptight and rigid,stopping and going counting their steps and trying to perform so perfectly they missed the feeling behind why they were even dancing. So many times that is us in pursuing our Dreams and Goals so afraid of failure that we will try to control our movements when in essence we were to be led by our hearts and us simply follow. 

It is an awakening to our truest selves when we can embrace our season and drink in all of its libations. Roll with the moments when you need to hibernate and refuel, or bundle up when bracing for the coldest months or you find yourself barefoot and fancy free on the shores of the beaches. As you relish in these times you are moving in such an effortless way towards your Dreams that you will have the staying power needed. You always hear there are the movers and the shakers it's meaning is defined as; People of energetic demeanor, who initiate change and influence events. 

We are the music makers,
And we are the dreamers of dreams,
Wandering by lone sea-breakers,
And sitting by desolate streams; 
World-losers and world-forsakers,
On whom the pale moon gleams:
Yet we are the movers and shakers
Of the world for ever, it seems.
 Arthur O'Shaughnessy's 1874 poem 'Ode', from his Music and Moonlight collection.

So today, whatever Season you find yourself in allow yourself to step up and take the dance floor by storm. As Right Said Fred sang the Song Love for all Seasons; throw caution to the wind and just Dream and then follow after it as if your very Life depended on it; for This is The Wonderment Of Life. 

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