Tuesday, October 25, 2016


I found myself on the shores of the most captivating beach, literally in my back yard.... almost and yet as if I had traveled around the world to behold this Majestic Beauty. Enthralled by all my senses as they drank in the intoxicating smell of the salty air that came from the waters , the sounds of the waves moving and circulating all together as liken to a  Symphony being conducted by the most talented of Directors and as if the most moving of Opera's bellowing out the unfathomable notes that emotions are aroused from deep within and brought to life as the waves crashed onto the shore in glorious harmony, the Beauty to behold was Bewitching; looking out I sat on the shore to endless allurement, for as far as my little eyes could perceive it was so awakening to my Soul that is how our Life is ahead of each of us. Some may call it a blank canvas, I refer to the shore line and all of it's Splendor. I was overwhelmed with all the thoughts that invaded my mind and feelings that surged through my being of all the possibilities I could Embark on. I fell back onto the sandy shore my hair cascading between the grains of sand and the coolness of the earth beneath me I was Empowered and felt a force that left me as a Crusader. See we are all given the Power to fulfill our lives with the depth and meaning of our Dreams and Purpose some of us just don't realize it or believe it. 

At Fifty, I am more enthralled with My Purpose and Dreams than ever before. As embers spark and ignite the dry wood causing the flames to unite and become an inferno I liken to our Passion. I have always been a star gazer and head in the clouds kinda gal but I possess deep hidden roots,  not flighty, moreover; strong as in  the Mighty Oak. Fueled with Tenacity we should move with all of our  being driven to fulfill our Purpose and Dreams. Otherwise we find ourselves as the pieces of wood and other objects brought to shore with fury by the waves just tossed around and empty with no meaning. 

As I was shooting my gun the other day desperately trying to have the form, the keen eye and posture to hit the target and have the Confidence swelling within my being; so as we need to Possess our Dreams and Passions the same way. We arm ourselves for Protection against anything that would try to take something or intruders or worse harm. We need to Own our Purpose and Dreams, we need to identify with them and guard against anything that would try to come between that just as we do with our Homes, Possessions and Family. I am talking Self Doubt, Fear, Confusion, Comparing to Others, the list goes on and on. There is a noticeable, solid difference between Pie in the Sky Dreams and One who Owns their Destiny. Pie in the Sky means a future reward after death, considered as a replacement for a reward not received on earth; something good that is unlikely to happen if an idea or plan is pie in the sky; it seems good but is not likely to be achieved. An empty wish or promise.

 So many of you reading this today will undeniably identify with desiring but not daring to fall and Own it.  Oh that is when Life begins to take you on the Dance of your Life into Orbit as I like to say about the things that Delight my Soul. Hold on to who you are created to be and live the life that you were designed to live NOW not in the sweet by and by. Allow Life and your Purpose and Dreams fueled with Passion to Lead you and you follow as in Dirty Dancing. As we sang as little children, Merrily, Merrily Life is But A Dream, get lost in it for  This Is The Wonderment Of Life.

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