Wednesday, October 19, 2016


Think back if you will to a moment where you were taking a trip, or embarking on a route that you haven't yet traveled. Close your eyes and let the emotions sweep in and invade your senses. There is the liberation and freedom from your normal routine and schedule, time off from work and you are able to navigate how the next few days will go. Excitement percolates within your being of the unknown and of  the destination you have chosen to travel to. Certain expectations bellow within of what you will encounter and experience. Life is like a Road Trip, like the Greatest Road Trip (I feel like Forest Gump)We have certain portions of our Lives Mapped out with our Routes and even Pit Stops in check. What happens once engaged in your travels and you hit the unexpected road blocks? Nerveracking at times because you have certain aspirations and planned out arrivals and you begin to feel stressed and anxious at times. The moment begins to fade and the melancholy sets in... you sometimes doubt yourself as if you shouldn't have even went there or next time you will most assuredly fly. It is at that precise moment that you embrace that Road Block and do as this quote says by Mastin Kipp inspires, "Instead of asking Why did this happen to me? Learn to ask what is the Lesson in this?" Within this mentality you will supersede all notion and propel yourself into a sphere that will take you to your desired destination with all the fervency and force unimaginable. 

I liken this to our Dreams and Purpose. This year our word for my Non Profit girls group is Purpose and Urban Dictionary defines it as The Force that drives us. I never was a Star Wars fan but didn't escape the classic statement "May the Force be with you". There's something to this of a deeper notion than most observe. Just as in our travels we too have a GPS within us to help drive us towards our ultimate Purpose and Dream. As you notice the GPS will often times reroute you and you are placing all your confidence within the fact that it will succeed and get you to your desired destination, we need to have the same Confidence and Assuredness that we will follow the force that drives us to our Dreams. I am obsessed with people who move with Passion in such a way I am spellbound. They are locked in and loaded with all the key elements that will undoubtably have you attest that they will surely succeed. Force defined is an energy field created by all living things. It surrounds us and penetrates us, it binds the galaxy together. That means all of us possess this force. The living field of energy, from Star Wars. I love this!! I am swept away with Merriment that as I am driven I will be  surrounded, penetrating my innermost being and binding me to my desired Dream. BAM! 

So today, embrace those road blocks and unexpected pit stops. So what that there is this delay or rerouted course allow that Force to drive you onward in such a way that others around you will undoubtably say, "that is a force to be reckoned with." A dear friend had me watch a show by Tony Robbins and I love what he shared, he spoke about the "bad" things that have occurred in our lives that they are there for a designed purpose and for him he had a not so great home life and Mom but he said without having that he wouldn't be able to love his wife and be all that he needed by what he learned from the unlovely moments. So get jiggy with these moments while others are missing the treasure be that force and  show them that The Wonderment in Life is when you can relish and bask in the Road Blocks for they are preparing you for your Dream. 

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