Friday, November 11, 2016


Today Is Friday and I have Wet Willie Blasting Loudly today "Friday Evening What A Feeling.... Weekend, Do what you wanna do Weekend..."Ironically enough same group sings another Favorite "Keep Smiling" guess that is for us to play to chase away the Melancholy Monday Madness that is sure to be here sooner than desired. Truth of the Matter is, we can carry the same Liberations regardless of what is amidst us and shame on us when we fail to do so.  I had someone tell me that I looked like a super hero in my fashionable workout attire and as I giggled later I realized, behold, I am a Super Hero, in fact, we all are. 

When we are Chasing after our Dreams indeed we often need Super Hero Ability, Christopher Reeve was quoted as saying, "So many of our Dreams seem Impossible, Improbable, and then we will Summon the Will they soon become Inevitable." Clark Kent was maybe not a lot to many people as himself except for Lois Lane, and somehow I believe that was enough for ole Clark; but how Marvelous that his alter ego was indeed the one everyone Swooned over or coveted to become. Still do this many years later. What I take from this is that we all have the Super Hero Alter Ego Opportunity there for the taking to Capture our Dreams and Lasso them into existence. When situations arise that seem impossible whisper to yourself the words, "This is a Job for Superman" and just see what happens, the spark from deep within that ignites your very core, it permeates your entire being and the smirk or smile is Electric as if bolts are sparking from it as the corners of your mouth rise and curl up,  the glisten in your eyes is as Powerful as a Transformer and ironically enough it transforms you into a Caped Crusader.

In order for our Super Powers to evolve I believe you have to Own that Alter Ego, that ability to Defy and Conquer.  That no matter what happens, you are NOT giving up and giving in to Settle.  "A Hero is an Ordinary Individual who finds the Strength to Persevere and Endure in Spite of Overwhelming Obstacles" again quote from Christopher Reeve. I truly am deliriously in Love with Life and all the Astounding Opportunities that simply are there for the Taking and what is so Eye Opening is the very  Moment that our Dream becomes inherent it is then that our Passion for the Dream erupts like a volcano and as the lava and ash explodes and detonates, that is Energy like no other. 

Today is the best day; right now, to let your hair down and loosen up that tie and take a gander at your alter ego and what it is that drives you. The Wonderment Of Life is Living beyond what is Attainable within your regular reach, Moreover that settling is full of Complacency, Dullness and becomes down right boring. "You are much stronger than you think you are. Trust Me." -Superman 
This may be one of the best videos...

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