To me when I am operating in the Spirit of Gratitude I feel my innermost parts begin to swell and surge forth from deep within so that therefore my actions and mere words are fueled with such intensity that not only do I feel it but delight as it is imparted into another. To give with such depth is one of the most incredible Wonderments of Life because often times, most do not allow it to permeate their beings. I love this quote, "Feeling gratitude and not expressing it is like wrapping a present and not giving it." William Arthur Ward. It is something we should be mindful of and practice if you will. I read that if you only prayed one prayer it should be that of Gratitude. Amen.
"Gratitude bestows reverence, allowing us to encounter everyday epiphanies, those transcendent moments of awe that change forever how we experience life and the world." John Milton
In order to obtain those Dreams that burn within our beings, I cannot fathom seizing them without the Gift of Gratitude. I believe it is the underlying Depth and Strength needed in order to achieve our truest selves. Life is overridden with obstacles and daunting challenges, however;through Gratitude we dare to do and feel the impossible and experience the savoring flavor of Life we were created to sit and dine and enjoy at every meal. Why do we allow ourselves to drift through Life haphazardly swatting at our Dreams when we could bask in the Crescendo of the Moment? "Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough, and more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos to order, confusion to clarity. It can turn a meal into a feast, a house into a home, a stranger into a friend." Melody Beattie
In these Thanksgiving Moments allow yourself to take note of all the Wonderments of Life around you that you are indeed Grateful for. Bask in the beauty of Feeling the overwhelming sensation of Gratitude; and allow it to alter and change your mindset you will be pleasantly surprised with Gratitude you can put away the Rose Colored Glasses. I leave with you one of my most treasured songs, in my Home we Celebrate everyday moments allow me to share one of my favorites. This song along with other lullaby's would be played as my Daughter would go off to sleep and as young as a toddler, she would not want me to go out and alas sometimes bedtime would go longer than I anticipated as any of you parents can relate; however, anytime or every time this song would come on the mischievous smile that I knew all too well would appear on her face if I wasn't still laying with her perhaps I am hitting the door to walk out and that smile would sear my back as lightening had struck me and as I turned around she would be untucked, standing on the edge of her bed and waiting with arms stretched out beaming with all the overwhelming emotion words fail to describe and we would Dance. Oh how Thankful I took those extra two minutes with her and we still to this day will do so. Happy Thanksgiving for This is The Wonderment Of Life.
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