Thursday, November 3, 2016


I was recently mulling over Life with a friend, that is probably my utmost favorite Past time, indeed, Alas it is true, I am a Ponderer. I just get lost in it. I am free to Roam and Venture wherever my Heart and Thoughts take me and at times it is quite the adventure I must say.  I just love to watch People we are all so unique and funny creatures honestly, I like to delve in from afar as to figure out what makes them tick or what stands out about them the most to me, a complete stranger yet taking notice of them and taking the time to assess. Even more so, I wonder what am I projecting to those I pass by?

I passed a Family of three the other day that struck me odd at first glance; they seemed as if they should be hiking the French Alps in Europe yet they were merely walking along the sandy shore of the beach. Picture if you will, this Mother, Father and little boy, the child is in a backpack liken to what hikers use, both parents were walking with Trekking Poles, yes I did a double take to say the least and giggled quietly under my breath. Dismissed almost instantly from the perimeters of my brain and ceased to allow my thoughts to continue any further because I found them to be so out of place, obscure if you will. Truth is, this peculiar little Family continued to  stay in my head as if the last lingering party guest has overstayed their welcome.  Inquisition set in like a Mighty River flowing with fury; flooding my thoughts and holding me Captive to the bewildering notion of what was this Families Story? 

This Pesky little Family had over run my thoughts and dominated my attention. I liken them to us pursuing our Dreams and Goals. You see, this Distinctive Family may have missed the Mark, by a long shot on the sandy beaches, I have never been hiking but I know the hiking sticks are there to help brace when going downhill or to aid in going up hill and I haven't been on a beach that wasn't flat. So again...what is their Story? I said hello as I gaped past them, and His voice is still with me today. It was Peppy and Effervescent with the Enthusiasm I coveted. Who knows if this Family merely lost a bet to Truth or Dare and that is all it was about but what I want  you to take away as you read this, merely is; what are you telling others about yourself without uttering a single word? You assume everyone sees life perhaps through your own eyes and clearly sees you the way you do, meanwhile it is a whirlwind of confusion from their vantage point. How do you handle yourself when you fall flat on your face and mess up? What about when your Dream you were Chasing evolved into a Night Mare? 

If you are gut wrenching honest with yourself, you might not like what you see at times. I have my hand up for sure probably several times a day in fact. You see it is not that these things happening is the problem at all, because it is simply Life and we are very unperfect people no matter how hard we try. It is soley in how we handle them with the honestly and liberty to be true to ourselves and bare that to those around us. I am inspired by this Family because they left me changed and I want to portray that as I set forth to obtain my Dreams.  That whether it all works out or goes bust I dust myself off and grab the smallest of dabs if that is all I possess and I Dream and go forth and muster up the Inspiration of the Unknown. My Mother was so right, "Your Attitude is your Altitude". Here is a portion from a wonderful article in The Huffington Post titled just that. 
"There is nothing more exhilarating than being around people who exude the energy of endless possibilities. These kinds of people are needed in our lives if we wish to see what is attainable. When we surround our environment with people who believe in the harshness of life we are drained of energy and vitality. Therefore, the choice is really up to us - do we want to reach the stars or do we want to stay on the ground constantly looking up secretly wishing that we were among the dazzling jewels that grace the heavens. A strong, positive and resilient attitude will help elevate you to unimaginable heights." This my friends is The Wonderment Of Life.

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