Thursday, December 15, 2016


As I am gazing off at my beautiful Christmas lights that are transforming my Home into a Shangri-la I am drifting into my Arcadia as thoughts run rampant as if I have purchased a one way ticket and boarded on my very own personal Polar Express. This time of year the television is bombarded with people taking a journey of the most coveted; that of their own lives. Often times they are being reminded just what they possess and have within themselves when society causes us to  think we are in need of something more. I am engulfed with the insatiable appetite of wanting more, but it's substance is of what fuels my Soul. The things that ultimately truly matter. As when the wind comes blowing in and it removes all the loose debris leaving in it's place the deep rooted lasting things. When you think of It's a Wonderful Life, The Grinch, The Year without a Santa Claus, and the list goes on and on each one of these movies are about the depth of what the characters possess in each of these stories in order to obtain the true meaning of the Season. The beautiful truth is that we too possess that same ingredient to partake and enjoy the deliciousness of the Magic this Season holds. Christmas is a smorgasbord of all delectable delights drawing us to partake. For you that dwell among the surface Christmas Magic is enticing us and giving us the gift to delve into the inner most parts of our core in relationships, goals and dreams; this is the bewitching time to awaken your Soul to something more.  So much more. 

I have been met with the challenge of Christmas Magic with my preteen teaching her and showing her that at every age you should Believe and look to be touched in such a memorable way. Luring her senses to want what cannot be bought but to be moved with something far greater that reaches to all those around her as she is immersed herself. Imparting to those from a place so deep within; mere eyes cannot view, oh; but how they can feel. When someone is excited, anticipating, you feel it. It is contagious.  It causes you to  yearn for it's essence as if you just brought in a fresh cut tree and feel like your entire surroundings smell of the enchanted forest.  Inhaling so slow and deeply that your eyes will close as your chest rises as the lungs expand and this sensation permeates throughout your being to the depths of your Core and to the ends of your extremities. Alas, this is what the town of Whoville felt when they were bahooming around the town's Christmas tree. What I am teaching my Daughter is the Magic wasn't in the Grinch riding in on the Sleigh with all their presents returned but that sensation they felt that brought them together and caused the Grinch to change. Here's a quote from the movie:   in Whoville they say – that the Grinch’s small heart grew three sizes that day. And then – the true meaning of Christmas came through, and the Grinch found the strength of ten Grinches, plus two! 

Whatever your Christmas Wish, it is for you to lasso as the Moon George Bailey told Mary he would do; she then said I will take it then what? George said," Well, then you can swallow it, and it'll all dissolve, see... and the moonbeams would shoot out of your fingers and your toes and the ends of your hair..." May our Dreams and Christmas Magic radiate to those around us as this. This is The Wonderment of Life.

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