Friday, December 2, 2016


As I write I am mesmerized by twinkling lights, engrossed in the aroma of Fresh Trees as it delights my senses, I am vibing to my new Favorite Song by Brett Eldredge "Glow" it's reminiscent to Frank Sinatra without any thought my toes are tapping and I am swaying as I sit and write dabbling with the reckless thoughts of dancing around my house wholeheartedly losing myself in the tune and the lyrics "nothing could ever compare to the feeling in the air, don't  let this moment slip away." It is as if The Wizard Of Oz has lifted my home and I find myself no longer in Kansas but, in a Wonderland Of Awakening. What is it about The Holiday's? Especially Christmas? I am obsessed with Christmas Magic, I truly believe in it and I may not be Passionate about anything as much; for now at least! 

I am a word junky, me and my Daughter are big dictionary word of the day gal's always amping up our vocabulary and giggling throughout the day trying to find ways to use our new enamored treasure. Around this time of year are some of the best words and as I liken them to my adoring one word Sentences like Gratitude last post complete with the period. We are engulfed with the words, Joy, Merry, Noel, Peace, Love, and two of my utmost favorites, Hope and Believe. Hope is defined as  to desire with expectation of obtainment;  to expect with confidence. Believe is to have a firm conviction as to the goodness, efficacy, or ability of something. No wonder the Dreamer in Me is so captivated with this Season and Christmas Magic. For me anything is possible this Season, just ask any child who has just gotten off Santa's lap, the bewitching sparkle in their eyes and excitement exuding about the resolving no doubt they will receive their coveted gift...

It is time, Today, to allow yourself to simply Believe and Hope with Expectancy that what burns within your bones is obtainable and waiting wrapped up just for you. Vincent Van Gogh was quoted as saying and I fervently agree, "I would rather die of passion than of boredom." What is infectious about someone is their emotion, and we need to make this "That Christmas" that you will savor and reflect on for many years to come. It isn't something you muster up and work at; no, moreover, it is the complete opposite. Throwing all caution to the wind you let go and just feel it and as you believe it simply emits to all around you enveloping them in a cocoon. So many around us have lost their Christmas Spirit and need to be reminded it truly IS the best time of the year.  What are you waiting for? Life is there for our taking and we are to drink in this Season and feel it like a little child for this is The Wonderment of Life. 

I encourage you to listen to that song Brett Eldridge "Glow" but leave you with a different video that was shared on Facebook but moved me to tears with the beautiful reminder to let go and believe. This is Macy's Christmas Commercial this year named #oldfriends. Don't outgrow your wonderment to believe, oh that I may encounter what this gentleman does. I went field tripping again with My Little Boo and today we went to two Nursing Homes as they sang Christmas Carols to the Elderly. Oh the joy that flooded my Soul to watch them be swept away to another moment in time of years gone by.  Enjoy this Season...

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