Wednesday, February 15, 2017


Today being the day after Valentine's is a tradition I started many years ago it truly is an excuse to keep my favorite day of the year going just a little longer. I will venture out on this day every year and scout out to find the largest box of candies half off. My daughter knows no differently since it has always been this way and we will keep this special day going for days to come as we sit entangled on the sofa, me, her and this enormous box of chocolates and we will giggle and share our favorites insisting that we try and belly laugh at the other when they get that not so yummy one. By the end it will be a box of half eaten or tiny little mouse bites of chocolates that will be disposed but the longing for next year will be churning and resonate with fond memories and feelings of delight as I place it in the garbage. I think the best part of all of this is sharing this together. Those glorious priceless moments that you can project all your fear, worry, excitement, disappointment, desires, dreams; whatever you are feeling onto another laying yourself open and bare with full assurance they will catch you when you fall and reassure you when needed.  Yesterday is the unapologetic outburst of showering those in your life that have been that for you and I think it is one of our most beautiful Holidays. I was walking through Walmart on Valentine's morning and I was overwhelmed by the sea of balloons that took over the complete front of the store, it was breathtaking and spell bounding.All this love just waiting to be given I envisioned and even positioned myself to watch those that came in to purchase for someone the way they would pick just the right one and I said a prayer for the recipient to be flooded with the heartfelt emotion that prompted this purchase. I have heard the scoffing and comments dissing on my most favorite day, however, it is not about the presents, the cards, candy, balloons and flowers although I purchase most or all of these every single year it is what is behind it that is what I am truly giving. I am giving of myself, all of me and it is the most liberating emotion I have yet to experience. And yes, I will agree, everyday should be Valentine's Day...

While floating I'm quite certain enthralled in my glorious moment purchasing my fifty percent off heart shaped box of chocolates, a man behind me just might have been making fun of me when he snickered about all the women buying candy the day after Valentine's. I just looked at him and smiled projecting my proudness and excitement he couldn't help but grin as I raised my hand accepting this was I.  Lady behind him chimed in it's because it is half off is why. He furthered to say that was wrong because it wasn't as special the day after it was meant to be given and eaten on the day of. It was as if we were playing the mannequin game, frozen in time, the cash register lady gawked at me with utter disgust of his comment it was clearly all over her face with a neon sign waiting with baited breath for my reply and I heard a gasp from someone further back in the line, thoughts dashed to and fro as ants busily trying to rebuild their castle that someone kicked over. Reclaiming my Cupid composure I finished out my transaction of my beloved coveted purchase, picking up my bag of jewels I said, "OR, it could perhaps be lengthening the best day of the year to the next day lingering and basking in the Love enjoying my candy priced half off!" The look on his face was priceless and the ladies were hooting as I said "AH HA" to him giggling with pride as I was walking away, I sashayed as I spoke coyly, "it is mere perspective my friend, it is all in the way you choose to look at it!" He smiled and agreed that I just might be on to something he said he liked it as he shook his head!

The Wonderment Of Life is stripping down to your core, letting it all hang out the good, the bad and the ugly that lurks beneath to another and baring your heart and soul in appreciation and enthrallment that you have the most priceless gift in them. I can attest be warned not everyone will reciprocate however I would rather be shot down knowing that my actions are as seeds being planted and perhaps that is my only role with them but they deserve to encounter the undeniable real deal. I believe there will be others to come along behind me to water and help that seed to take root and bloom. My enjoyment just might be the beauty of their garden from afar but I will inhale til I am intoxicated with the beautiful fragrance that garden emits.  My Mom's voice is ringing in my ears echoing as if spoken off of a cliff into a valley, "All you can take to Heaven Sweetheart is people." Boy does this ever become more and more true the older I become. I am overwhelmed with the liberty that comes with being able to be my truest self, withholding nothing while appreciating those who cause me to be a better me. In chasing after my dreams, I need those in my life to reel me in or reassure me, sometimes reestablishing boarders that seem to have become blurred but to give and receive that depth of acceptance and love is the most treasured thing I have. It is never too late to delve deeper, take off another layer of insecurity and bare your heart and soul to those special ones in your life. As My Mom always whispers, "Give, give, give." 

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