Wednesday, February 22, 2017


Sitting next to a friend sighing audibly as I breathe in that sweet aroma of Satisfaction, you know the ones that you need not speak a word at times their presence floods your being and yet somehow mystically you  have deep conversations channeled between the two of you.  The one that your souls have intertwined and seared together. I experience these in both male and female and I find their value to be as the air I breathe. What is it that causes this unfathomable connection? Without words really exchanged there is a Mom in my daughter's class and I was drawn to her immediately then her daughter came over and she wound up staying and we just chatted all evening both feeling that bond. I have been around others that tried to emit that feeling but there really was no relation to what they conveyed and although their words were spoken the depths of my soul felt no kindred with them because their words were not fueled with depths that resonated.  I liken this to us identifying and pursuing our Dreams. Often times we haven't connected with our desires and purpose we know in our minds that this is a great plan of action but we haven't marinated in it, basting, allowing it to season us. One noun definition of connection is person who aids another in achieving goal. To me that means Friendship in it's truest meaning.  My thoughts go to a poem by Jane Austen that conveys this beautifully:
This little bag I hope will prove
To be not vainly made--
For, if you should a needle want
It will afford you aid. 
And as we are about to part
T'will serve another end,
For when you look upon the Bag
You'll recollect your friend 

Linking our souls to our dreams unleashes the passion to flow and drive us towards our purpose. My mind wanders with thoughts of being at the helm of a large vessel on the water, the wind is blowing all around, the elements daunting and intimidate, yet I befriend all alliances that aid in driving towards the desired destination. Now what would happen if there was a disconnect within these controls that I am placing my confidence in? Allow yourself for a moment to think deeper on this, my hands begin to sweat as fear rushes thru my being like a racer on a toboggan, you see the importance of that connection for I couldn't drive this enormous vessel to it's desired destination impaired.  Often times  people we come in contact with including myself at times are not linked with what they convey at all. I liken their rhythm that of the standard driven car that when not properly executed you stutter and jolt about without the ease and smoothness you long for; in fact, the car can go dead in the middle of the road. Just like with our wifi and cell phones, bad connections cripple our passion to flourish. Connect, communicate, link, bond this is what Jane Austen meant about when you look upon the Bag you'll recollect a friend. This wasn't flippant and emotionally void, it is intense and soulful; purposeful.  Driven to be bare with heart and soul laid open connecting to that which consumes you. Disconnects often times help us to reestablish more clarity in redirecting us with intensity to our Dreams. Embrace those disconnects for often times they are very much needed in our lives to ultimately catapult you to where you are to be. 

Stop for just a moment and allow yourself to reflect on people you have met or have in your life, just sit quietly letting your mind and soul run free.  All that come in contact with you can be there for a reason and sometimes only a season, however; be mindful of those that you just cannot seem to submerge because they pop back up again and again those are the ones that as Jane Austen wrote will serve another end. Now think about the things that you feel driven towards, the things that just ignite you with just the mere thought. The desires and dreams that when you sit allowing to connect it is soothing to the depth of your soul and contentment floods your being as the friend that needeth not utter a word yet ignites your soul with purpose. I believe friendship is the simile to us and our Dreams as I am typing I glanced out my window to gather my thoughts and I gasp as I was surprised to see the host of Robins in my yard their beauty and number of them take my breath away. Oh how my mind runs rampant with wonderment on all that they encounter as they journey on their way to their desired destination.  The Wonderment of Life is connecting and bonding to those in our lives and our Dreams that when we reflect upon them, they utterly take our breath away.

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