Wednesday, February 8, 2017


When I bite off a York Peppermint Patti I get the cool sensation of..... any of us forties and older will remember these commercials. I still love this candy to this day primarily because even as a child those crafty brilliant advertisers hit a home run. To all ages we were buying them by the bagfuls to enjoy being swept away if even for a moment. As I humiliate my Daughter with my mere existence these days she has to giggle every time I reenact one of these commercials and I have even caught her and her friends doing it too!  Youtube these commercials  from the seventies, eighties and later and get a giggle and see if you don't find yourself craving one of these delicious goodies. May it spark within yourself to grab that sensation that moves you to get lost amidst your current surroundings giving no care to those around you to be engulfed with the surge of Sensation. It is powerful, it is a force that is meant to be felt within every fiber of your being. Not all of us can jump out of planes, or do extra ordinary pursuits, but everyone of us can be swept away and if you are lucky it will blow you away. Leaving you forever changed in what the normal ultimately is.  Here's one of my favorites if you just cannot resist... the sensation

All of us want to be swept away or blown away if we are truly honest;  moved immeasurably, unlimited by something so powerful it causes us without any actions provoked they come from within your soul unleashed and untamed to parade the wonderment of life before you and through you; ultimately  to drive us  towards our true purpose and dream that we were destined to feel completed by. Why? Because we were inspired. We were all wired with the insatiable drive of joining or starting something that has depth and meaning. I will use the example of the movie Jerry McGuire, what struck me  is how he was moved to create a Mission Statement and it was powerful, gutsy, soulful, it was raw, fueled with unfathomable measure, putting it all on the line. One of those all the chips are in moves, those moments that scare you to your core. Those defining moments you knew you were destined for. We can relate if we self inventory and reflect; without unction, a smile that draws deep like a well appears that regardless the consequence you took that leap to be swept away. That therein is the real win. As quickly as Jerry felt himself soaring high,  he was plummeted back to Earth. It looked like utter failure.

Ever happen to you? Difference for ole Jerry and perhaps myself or you too at times is he kept moving although looking bleak with one employee who was inspired by his Memo which is what his substance was; it caused her to believe in him. Second strike, he had only one client and he appeared to be the worst of them all. It was beautiful how they both connected without reservation to one another and the depth of their friendship changed them vastly through and through.  Jerry hit the Quan. He found it all, everything that drove him to pour himself into that Mission Statement all that passion and energy that fueled him from deep within all came around and he was on top and what looked like he lost he won in every way possible. I understand that it won't always be bases loaded and bringing in all the runs every single time however you gotta swing that bat with all of your heart to make the difference. Every. Single. Time.  In my Home, my Daughter and I are empowered that we can do anything we want to do and be anything we want to be; we are to be driven from the depths within and the zest of fun as we live it out making our moments meaningful and touching those around us to spark them to be swept away, moreover; blown away.  This is The Wonderment of Life to be utterly and completely moved like the mighty wind that takes up a tree from its base roots, being swept away with the sensation that engulfs you in awe of it's mighty power to grab hold of what is real and true within and hold on with all you have and never ever let go. 

I chose this video not only because I am enthralled with Adam Levine but found it relevant that this video is shot at wedding receptions. You know that only one day  that you have dreamt of  your entire life, tirelessly working, mastering all the touches to make certain every minute detail was attended to you envisioned to make it enchanting and memorable and ideally perfect? Mmmmm, there is always more with Life if we dare.  If we get so caught up in ideas or plans and lose our hearts and souls we just might lose that so much more that life was waiting to sweep you away with.

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