Friday, September 5, 2014


You know how you are moved and inspired by someone else's enthusiasm? Regardless of the reason of why it is being exemplified, you are touched. It can be someone's team spirit for their favorite SEC College Football team, it can be watching someone dancing with all their heart to a song that moves them, it can be that person fighting for the awareness of a Cause dear to their heart.  The list goes on and on, but the same feeling is there. Enthusiasm means eager interest; zeal.  The funny thing is to me, we don't need to invite this into our lives, it is already inside of each of us. Its amazing once we add the accessory of Enthusiasm, to any ensemble  it is sure to be one for the books to remember. It is crucial to have this to achieve something notable or worthy of other's attention. It is the difference in merely "getting by" and "arriving." 

I want to share with you one of my favorite lines of a movie I adore. Camille calls it Shopgirl.  Here is Shopgirl in You've Got Mail with although short, to me,  extremely powerful words... I truly believe it is key to charging up your enthusiasm...

I love to people watch. I just am moved by the unspoken, representation that others project. We forget in this crazy thing called Life, that we are always making a difference. Whether you want to admit it or not, it happens even to you. What are people seeing about you whether unspoken or portrayed through your actions? What imprint are you leaving? I read that "to be without Zeal is to be without the zest of living. Zeal and Enthusiasm incite to glorious achievement in every aim and ideal that the mind conceives. The man without Zeal is like an engine without steam or an electric motor without a current." Ralph Waldo Emerson wrote, "Enthusiasm is the mother of effort, without it nothing great was ever achieved." I don't think Ralph was meaning heroic greatness,   I think he meant greatness in our everyday life. That is pretty Heroic if you ask me. Taking the everyday things of life and adding the flair of the Heart and Shazam! It is anything but boring or mundane! For instance, I pack my daughter's bag for cheering, ballet, etc with "zest" and buddy she knows it. I will tuck special surprises in the toe of her shoes that she won't notice until trying to slip it on or love notes or pictures in funny places, but it is me taking it to the next level in her world. And one day she will take it and spread it in the only way she knows how to others. There's my Legacy... I am fueled with the desire of how to keep her guessing because I am making it personal to her. Anyone can pack her bag really, but I have made something mundane something that even her friends peer in to see what has been placed in her bag. Point is everyday, all day we have opportunity after opportunity to spread Enthusiasm to others. It spreads like wildfire and ignites the heart into a blaze of desire to seize the moment in which people are in. What a powerful Wonderment of Life!

Here is a very pertinent piece here to what I am saying, watch the difference when "Sister Act" tells them to step it up a notch the results are powerful

We all are going somewhere, only difference is only certain will reach their appointed destination. See, I believe that we can all have a "good life" or a "great life." I believe with all of my heart wherever you are right at this moment you can make it better than ordinary. You can touch others Personally because there is something more behind what you do than going through the motions. Norman Vincent Peale said it best, "There is a real magic in Enthusiasm. It spells the difference in mediocrity and accomplishment." I will never be satisfied with Ordinary or the expected. I thrive on the Unexpected, Spectacular Moments. It just takes that decision to first be personal then strike the match to enthusiasm that is just lying dormant within you begging to crank up and look out and buckle up you are embarking on the ride of your life, and you were only off to run errands! I dare you to try it. People are placed in your life for a specific reason I believe and no one will ever be able to touch them like your imprint. 

I left the best for last may it touch you and move you to make your life personal to not only yourself but allow it to invigorate all those around you...

This picture was taken a day or two ago, My oldest godchild Hannah and her four room mates doing their girls night dinner at College. There is so much detail in this moment, how could it have been any more personal? This moves me. It inspires me as a Masterpiece of Art will do.  I can hear the music in the background playing and hear the giggles of laughter as they danced their night away.  EVERY girl I know of, at every age (namely ME) wants to be included when they see this picture. It is life. It is exactly what Dale Carnegie meant when he instructed with these words, "Today is life - the only life you are sure of. Make the most of today. Get interested in something. Shake yourself awake. Develop a hobby. Let the winds of enthusiasm sweep through you. Live today with gusto." This is The Wonderment of Life...

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