Tuesday, September 23, 2014


Have you ever went after something that you just knew you were destined for, but no matter how you tried,  it just never seemed to happen? I can say wholeheartedly YES. More times than I care to count perhaps, however - I will not allow it to stop me from reaching beyond my limits of Today. It is ironic to me how easily people give up. Whether it is me being bullheaded or refusing to quit while ahead (which would have saved me many a heartbreak over the years) I wrestle within myself to find more. Why did I think that this certain dream would come to pass anyway? Where did this come from? Where am I to go with what I have now learned and how do I use this?! And on and on and on it goes for me. I am realizing as I am getting older that I do not want the elements of reaching for my dreams to change my components. I know that as we travel through life, we will encounter situations or phases that we are challenged by. I just want us to be careful we don't lose sight of why we had those Dreams to begin with. Sometimes it is just to springboard you to where you were to go that you might not have heeded the signals, but sometimes...there is more. I think there is always more. Sometimes, if not most times, you have to look for it. The Blank Page is in  front of Us.

Allow me to please share one of my hardest dreams to see dashed, or not go the way I had planned.  I had always envisioned myself as the little ole lady who lived in her shoe, with so many children, she didn't know what to do. Yeah, that didn't entirely happen. I found out with my second pregnancy, something was wrong. Like way wrong. I really dispelled their concerns because my first pregnancy had markers too, they thought my first child would have Downs Syndrome and she was perfectly healthy.  I just basically tuned out all I was hearing....until I couldn't justify it any longer. Once I found myself in my beloved doctors office and I was hearing the most unbelievable words to fathom, it finally became reality. I will never forget that day if I live to be a thousand. I can pretty much make the most delicious glass of lemonade ever out of the lemons thrown in my life....until then. I can honestly say, it has been a journey all of it's own since then to now. One that rocked my being to its total Core. But I always pushed on saying to my best friend, " I know this is not all that was meant to be." How many of us have felt that exact same way with other areas in our lives? How many of us just threw in the towel and tried to move past that dream that seemed to not ever be able to exist? 

You find me many years later, Claire would be Eight in a week and a few days. For Eight years I have clung to the fact that there was more. More than her Eight weeks of Life. And so there is...

In this picture, you see what I was able to see and be moved to such ecstasy that I pursued more. I attended last weekend a Mother/Daughter day and our Non Profit named after Claire was very instrumental in this day. (www.claireshope.org)  I was mesmerized when I showed up and saw these Moms and Daughter's who because of Claire's life and part in this Non Profit were in attendance. I couldn't sing the words they were singing. It was like the words were piercing my innermost parts of my heart. If I were to utter one note I thought all of these years I had been holding fast that I just wouldn't accept it to be what it was, that I wanted to see more, the emotions  would have flood out of me without restraint. So I just allowed myself to be immersed in the beauty of that dream. They were singing "You're Beautiful " by Phil Wickham.  I will never be the same. I challenge you to look it up on YouTube and allow yourself to sing this with your darkest times, it will change you too. I humbly know that had Claire's Life not heeded this call, someone else would have undoubtedly done so, please know that I am vastly aware. However, the fact I have hung tightly to the fact that this dream although was gone in normal settings;  I have seen it is still alive. Oh what a Fantastic Wonderment of Life for me.          

We all are composed of Chapters that are all varied from one person to the next. No two Novels are ever the same. As intricate as each persons finger prints are, so are our stories. We will find similarities within another and how much it soothes the soul when you encounter someone whose situations can permeate us to new levels because they too know that feeling that only you thought you knew.  What is your Story? I have no idea what mine is, however I pursue to know. I have Chapters that are hilariously a Comedy, others are the can't put down Mystery, A little Drama, but I want to have that Life other's just only wished they had. At the age I sit now, so far I feel that way. Not in a haughty way, no, mere humbleness because even in the worst or best of times, I learned such invaluable lessons that I am only enriched by. I want mine to be on the Best Sellers List or an Epic Movie based on my Story.  I have books for my daughter that I fill out that share my Legacy with her.  Some ask me questions based on various times in my Life, although its books for her, I often learn a little more of myself as it forces me to  reflect back on parts I might've forgotten. The Beautiful Wonderment here is The Story of our Lives. What I find to reign as the most Alluring part is, our stories only depend on US. Situations will come, both good and sad; it is what we orchestrate and compose that will remain.

Allow this song to move you.. I would not take out any Chapter so far in my life from the Happiest to its Utter Worst. They are MY Story.  I just wouldn't, couldn't, possibly be the Person I am today without going through what I have. Let us look this way too, Today is your day to write your Story for the rest is still Unwritten... Relish in This Mind Blowing Wonderment,

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