Tuesday, January 17, 2017


The boisterous alarm seemed to come quite early this morning, I felt like a cartoon character as it's blaring ruckus was rocking me to and fro as it clamored out causing pandemonium to my warm and dreamy world   underneath the layer of covers. Hitting the snooze button repeatedly sinking back down into the pillow as if my head was the weight of a boulder pulling my covers up and over my head as if to shield me from the harshness intruding my pillowy world. Alas I sauntered to the coffee pot, strumming my fingers wiping the sleep from my eyes as I impatiently await for that moment that for me just starts my day. That beautiful brewing sound and magical aroma were delighting my senses as if reassuring me today was going to be an amazing day. As I raise my cup to my mouth I inhale not with a whiff but savoring as my eyes close my mouth curls up with delight as I anticipate the glorious first sip. It is my favorite moment of the day. I remember many years ago sharing with coworkers at the office how nothing beats that first sip in the morning and I built it up to them sharing this momentous moment and then I sipped it, all eyes waiting entranced in the delight and feeling and like a needle scratching a record; it was rancid and I spit it back out! We all just laughed and laughed, it still makes me belly laugh all these years later. How often in Life we go through the motions and do not savor the little blips in our day that really are the game changing moments? 

My daughter had been gone for the long weekend returning home last night, I scurried around and cleaned making it fresh and inviting. Washed her bed clothes and favorite blanket, candles lit all around downstairs and upstairs to usher her in and welcoming her back to her familiar blip of her day. She wiggled and snuggled with the familiar smile I had missed for the weekend, she sighed after breathing in the air as if life sustaining that moment and she said there is no place like Home. Her eyes closed as she nodded her head as she spoke the words piercing my heart with the weight of her words fueled with emotion.  You see it was conscious action on my part to aid in the details of making her moment Momentous. Just a few synonyms of Momentous are, earth shattering, significant, pivotal, critical, chips are down. Another example I was sharing with some friends recently was, I had dated a fella many many years ago however he left his mark and for me, a standard set on dating. He invited me over for dinner to his home when I walked in I was greeted with the delightful aroma of dinner cooking, he met me at the door with a glass of wine, Sade playing in the background, Candlelight filled the room and a beautiful table was set. He was from Iceland and for him, his culture it was his "norm." But his added efforts to enhance our just dinner made it something that all these years later I still savor. I have Sade on my iPod in fact because it somehow transcends me back in time to a moment I will forever relish in. Another example that pushes it's way to the forefront of my thoughts, I have a friend and on  Facebook he uses lyrics to songs to describe how he is going to work out, it is amazing how it super charges me as I too am starting out my day trying to muster up the mojo. You see, we are leaving people with something imparted of us whether it's flippant or intense. As we are chasing our Dreams and Obtaining our Goals, all of these moments in between is the crazy thing called Life. 

The Wonderment Of Life to me is the impartation of the depth of these moments is what I felt. My daughter felt the soothing, familiar, expected things that she finds comfort in renewed. My Islandic friend I couldn't recall one thing we ate, I remember feeling  inspired to do the special touches and the depth of conversation and the beauty of friendship. Lastly, my friend posting on Facebook allows me to feel inspired and hopeful of obtaining my own dreams and goals as I am watching him fulfill his own. As I journey on my way I am lured by the depths of emotion that people possess. Recently I was overcome with fear, I explained to a friend that I was like a little child as they want to jump into a pool of water and they are afraid, so clearly you see how they stick one toe in and draw it back out instantly, they will gaze into the water, even bending forward to examine seeing their familiar reflection and then they will step back several steps walking facing the water but going away from it. This was me.  I read a quote that said, "When it feels scary to jump, that's exactly when you jump. Otherwise you end up staying in the same place your whole life. And that I cannot do." You see, as we are tackling to live this Life going for our Dreams and Goals, it can be daunting and if we are not careful we will give into the disbelief. We have to delve deep, swatting away the spider webs and dusty areas that have been closed off to disappointments life has brought. Resuscitating these parts with vibrance sweeping through your being the renewed confidence that you can do it because it is something you feel, you know. Give it your all, half way is not momentous; go for the earth shaking, weighty, notable moments and just see the difference. Those are the ones that simply cannot blend in they are stand outs in the crowds simply believing and feeling what they were created to feel. 

There are two new movies I am obsessed to see one is The Book of Love and the other is Mr. Church. I encourage you to youtube the trailers for both. Both of these seem to be about what I am feeling and sensing to go beyond and further and live with all the depths you can find.What has me pondering is how we go about our lives just living and doing our "norm" how is it effecting those around us? What will they remember about you later? Not that we have to die but as life transcends us into other areas we lose touch but we visit one another in our hearts through memorable moments. Just blips of our days that somehow will cascade our world into Momentous changes. Don't just go through the motions when living your Life and day, get down and dirty and in tune and feel it. 


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