Friday, January 6, 2017


As the steady rain falls and the temperature drops I am moved to embrace this moment, just as the hunters love when a cold front comes in it causes their desired targets to move so as I feel it puts a proper pep in my step and billows of gusto blow through my hair as I go about the things I need to do around my home. As I toss another log on my beautiful fire and behold it's majestic show it woos me, entrancing me to gaze at the flames as they promenade and flicker, as they dance and prance about as if hypnotizing me bewitching me under their spell. My thoughts interrupt their cavorting moves as in breaking in to dance and lure me to ponder over the glorious New Year and all I search from deep within of what I truly desire to experience and become. I absolutely love Resolutions, they are goals, dreams, mile markers... it is the humbling of the admittance that I could be better, do better. It is the allowance to say with a fresh slate with clarity that success is certain. New beginnings are magical and invigorating it is an awakening to your heart and soul touching senses and dazzling them with uncharted paths. Reminding me of the last few verses of the poem The Road Not Taken by Robert Frost: 
I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I,
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference. 
Robert Frost

This New Year brings an abundance of Glee, and I am intoxicated by the resounding assurance of so many in person, on social media and in reading that This New Year is Special, full of Hope and expectation. I have my new favorite obsession song playing in the background, The Weekend song is "I feel it coming." So many are embracing this New Year and finding themselves wanting to make their Moments Matter. I feel as if I am being waltzed around a beautiful ball room where everyone is in black tie and long gowns. A gentleman takes my hand and bows kissing my gloved hand and I in return curtsy and slowly nod my head.  The Orchestra is delighting the senses overwhelming our beings to move as gliding or floating across the glorious marble floors, inhaling the most beautiful aromas of floral, candles flickering flames causing the enormous crystal chandeliers that hang above to come to life, whirling around to trip the light. It is in description a feeling of what my mantra is this Year. There is a song that my close friends know has been my favorite for quite sometime but this year it is different. It isn't just about love with someone it's living in a moment I would die for and as I was soul searching on New Years Eve and saying prayers what should be my "theme" if you will this is what quickened within and I am delirious with it. 

I am the one that generally receives the eye rolls or the shaking of heads because this is me normally, just everyday life so for me I feel I am in the right place at the right time. The appointed time. This is one of my gifts and I Celebrate them lavishly, daily. I turn a ho hum moment into one of splendor and majesty that turns my home into what feels like a  castle. It is making your surroundings pleasing even if only for yourself, light candles, play music set the tone you will be surprised how much more delighted you will be to push that vacuum about with the added effort. When drop in's occur it is as if I am expecting someone and I just shrug my shoulders nah just me!  This year I share my yearning of celebrating moments and highlighting those that you would die for. I just am moved by the lyrics it is a song by Ty Herndon although I have a buddy that sings it much better but one of the lines sings "and when they carve my stone all they need to write on it is once lived a man(woman) who got all he ever wanted, tell me something, who could ask for more than to be living in a moment you would die for." So I am taking some verses and adjusting their meaning to my everyday life as I have those dearest to me and only a very few that I only long to breathe their same air. Variables do not matter just that. Same principal to me The Wonderment in Life is being able to embrace our gifts of those around us, of our very own lives in fact and instead of only at Christmas and certain Holiday's give ourselves a hall pass to linger all year through until it burns within your being and saturates your every move.

I used to work at 5am at a gym in town, I adored my members I would call them my Morning Crew and I knew of their families and they became more than just me reporting in (always tardy) and doing a job. The hours were difficult with my other jobs so the hours were very trying on me but I decided to celebrate that moment and I would bake all different kinds of cakes and treats and bring in the mornings and it made that moment full of meaning something more personal we all felt it and speak of it this many years later. That is what I believe this New Year is the year to seize the everyday moments and raise the standard to make it memorable. Me and my daughter's most treasured moments aren't in far off travels, exotic or fancy special places they are in our everyday moments that I journal of and will reread as I am older. As you chase your dreams and make this year as Huge as you possibly can, I see these Memorable Moments using their Magic like stairs ushering us in step by step, moment by moment to our desired Dreams and Goals.

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