Tuesday, January 24, 2017


Hovering over my cup of coffee eyeing my thermos  calculating how much is left, savoring the delicious moment I am delighted to find myself basking in. Day 24 of 365 the gift of another day of an intoxicating year that I do not recall having such expectancy of what is to come as I do this year. 2017 is going to be one for the record books and for me, the story of the life of Tammy Elmore Cox I am treasuring every second. Instantly as I am typing I begin to hum that song by Aerosmith, "I don't want to miss a thing." Actually, today is "just Tuesday" however purposefully it is going to be one that I will be proud of because I made the conscious decision to drive it to being something of a Terrific Tantalizing Tuesday. I nod in acceptance with a little "hmm" audibly heard yes, I like it. This will do, in fact very nicely it suits me; a smile from deep within welled up and appeared on my face. I found myself in my routine speaking to a bestie as she is on her way to work out realizing I hadn't even thought to make coffee this morning and it is a cold one and I didn't even notice I didn't have it with me as I drove my daughter to school, in fact I left my phone, my purse, you get the point it was looking as if it was going to be that kind of day. Yesterday left me dumbfounded then it occurred to me to mix it up, perhaps it is the cold, crisp air inspiring me, but I dashed to the coffeepot and while it was brewing I was engulfed with excitement of what this day could just possibly have in store for me. Just like that I had my picnic basket filled  and off to find a place to ponder and lose myself as I take a different route for my morning walk to clear my head and invigorate my soul.

A chill just caused me to shiver to my bones, as I close up my jacket a little more snug and bring my hat down just a little lower, sitting on the side of a stream watching all of Nature around me. Fascinated and Enthralled in the majestic beauty and adoring the awe this moment finds me as my eyes are treated with beauty too intense for mere words. I feel free as one of these beautiful birds reflecting on  some beloved poems by Maya Angelou, Robert Frost and others thankful of what all I am beholding is teaching me. Reflecting on my story and chapters that had been forgotten are taking center stage reminding me and fueling me to make that difference not only for myself but for the one I am showing the gift of this life by simply her watching how I conduct myself with mine. Above all I want to make her proud it fuels me to be a better person. We snuggled watching Mr. Church the other evening and we laughed and we cried by it's beautiful story and we discussed afterwards the powerful choices we are given to make that difference in someone else's life. Why settle for "just Tuesday" or the expected? The Wonderment of Life is simply Living in Wonder, moment by moment. Couple synonyms for wonder is surprise, uncertainty. The surprises that are waiting to be unveiled are enthralling, luring us to get out of our comfort zone and dare to go for what you were created to be or do. The uncertainty is there regardless so there is no room for failure only if you dare not try. There is no limit of fulfillment by living a passionate life deeply lived relishing in this moment...satisfied. Oh how it is Well with my Soul today.

I leave with you a song that oddly enough isn't anything but enjoyable.I so wish I had video of that night to share with you but you can imagine. I am obsessed with how my daughter and her gal pals  get into it with all their little beings they move me as they act out the lyrics. They introduced me to this band a couple of weekends ago, here in Alabama we were getting some snow flurries and although I was quite certain we wouldn't come across  any, we heard there was some spotted downtown. It was later in the evening, we piled in the car, my daughter and a car filled with her besties and we were filled with Wonder. Celebrating this Moment stopping to take random pictures and we put the bass all the way, singing to the tops of our lungs, dancing and grooving to this song giggling with one another just getting lost in it  while we rode and rode. No snow was ever spotted that evening but I have an inkling it didn't really matter I am so thankful for the memory and the surprise that I felt so satisfied by venturing out and going. ...This is The Wonderment of Life. What is your Life waiting to Wonder and be surprised by? 


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