Tuesday, January 31, 2017


Alas, sitting down as if in a heap as I collapsed onto the sofa. It is my favorite part of entertaining, known by me and those who know me best as, "the after party." I have an oil painting of me and my Daughter that hangs above my sofa in which I sit and it is titled as such. It is the moment in which I will lose myself as if I were in attendance and bask at all around me. It is liken to homework for me, self inventory perhaps, looking through another's eyes taking what is familiar and mine and stepping away to see as from an outsider. This notion caused me to wonder why we do not do this more so in our every day lives? As when entertaining you have the lists going on to check off, the stress and pressure of sudden hiccups and time slipping away and attending to each detail of your moment although I am immersed as a pig in mud during all of which however; nothing can compare to what I feel in my after party. This is when I will pour myself a potion and flit about with glee, giddy with delight I will sway and twirl to my music losing myself in this moment of my hard work rewarding myself to enjoy drinking in all of it's wonder  and then I will take my seat and just gaze beholding all of the details I sweated over, knowing that this one more element was going to just knock it out of the park. There is a rush of satisfaction that soars through my being and I will lose myself in my thoughts while posting notes in my head of the to do's better next time. Why in this world would I not reflect on my days and mere life and inventory what I missed or could do better tomorrow? 

Yesterday was Monday and I felt exhilarated just on fire as if it were a Friday. Sunday's are MY day, always have been but Monday's normally find me wanting to fast forward straight through to Tuesday. I suppose perhaps I am wallowing in melancholy pouty because MY day is over. But not yesterday, it was as if the veil was lifted and I could see through perfect vision crystal clear on  how to capture my dreams and desires in this New Year. I had been reading some poetry and writings by some of my favorites Jane Austen, Edgar Allen Poe and then this one ignited my soul “Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.” ― Ralph Waldo Emerson I was struck by awe as lightening, I could smell the burning remains as if the intensity was far greater than imagined commanding me to take note of it's Passion.  What better day of the week than to venture out where there is no path and leave a trail than the beginning of the work week? Why yes, how perfect and elementary yet profound and articulate. He went on to say in another reading “What you do speaks so loudly that I cannot hear what you say.” This isn't just someone singing "Merrily, Merrily, Merrily life is but a Dream", that is on Wednesday or perhaps Thursday if we are lucky, no, it is purposeful and powerful, like Aretha Franklin bellowing from deep soulful passion, "Whoop, what you want? Baby I got it....
R-E-S-P-E-C-T...sock it to me..." 

Words  are very powerful, but laced and fueled with action propelled with passion is like a wildfire that cannot be quenched or extinguished. Get a game plan just as if entertaining for a house full of guests and lose yourself in your creativity and go after those dreams and desires. Understanding there will be those inevitable kinks to work out and tweak; often times spring boarding us into an entirely different direction however fueled with your Character staying true to yourself alone allowing the path to be unveiled sometimes not until that foot is raised to step out there but your dreams and desires will be the verb definition of character which is to engrave or inscribe on your life as a beautifully themed party; well then my dear friend, you will have left something worthy to behold for others in an after party just by living your life. What a better party to ever plan or be the Host or Hostess to entertain than your Life? Real Life? Now THIS is The Wonderment of Life. 


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